Friday (I’m in love) October 27 – Let’s try this again….

Trying this again…

Diuretic taken – check
Requisite banana eaten- check
Bag packed (again) – check
New tattoo for entertainment- check. (Please tell me you all get this one…)

Liver please cooperate this time….

Chemo ready or not, here I come.

Do you get it?

3 thoughts on “Friday (I’m in love) October 27 – Let’s try this again….”

  1. You are helping me understand what my Aunts may have gone through. They were private about their treatment and did not share much. Thank you for allowing all of to support you through this process.

  2. I’m so glad I can help you. My dad nor I, knew his sister had breast cancer about 10 years ago, similar diagnosis as mine, until she told him when he was telling her about what I am going through. People don’t realize how important knowing you families medial history really is. The Elders in our lives don’t want to burden us with worry, but in doing so they are keeping us from knowing what could be in our futures and the ability to prepare for that possibility.

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