Sunday (always comes to late) October 29 – Getting better all the time

Seems I have song lyrics stuck in my head.  At least they are good songs!  Today I was up early with the alarm reminding me to take my anti-nausea drugs and Advil to stay on top of any bone pain from the Neulasta.  Couldn’t get back to sleep so got up to catch up on email, fed the cat and made myself some breakfast.

I was going to nap before we headed to Disneyland to meet two of the kids for dinner at Carnation Cafe, but had a call with a gal that had reached out to me for help and some input on a new venture her company wants to try to put out there in the Port Drayage community, to try and provide a single platform for Appointments at the various Port Terminals.  It was a wonderful conversation and I hope I was able to provide some insightful information to Julia.  There went my nap time, but I felt it was worth it to help a girl out getting into this industry.  It really is a male dominated business, and you have to learn how to play with the big boys to get anywhere, and not take No for an answer.  You have to keep knocking on that No door until someone answers.

We had a nice drive down until we got onto Disneyland Drive, or at least I think we did, I slept.  We were turned away from the main parking garage and hubby was not happy with being redirected to a different parking lot.  I was more worried about transportation from this other lot.  Day 3 into the second cycle I am still very tired and shaky.  Once we finally got to the Toy Story lot we had been redirected too, we were glad to find there were shuttle buses to take us over to the park and back.  Thank goodness.  I thanked my husband for not giving up on parking and seeing this diversion through.  He doesn’t like to have his cheese moved.

As we were next in line to get on the shuttle bus we realized we left our jackets in the car and it was shaping up to be a chilly night.  Oh well, good excuse to buy myself the new sweatshirt I’ve been thinking I might need, and I could finally use the gift card the daughter and son-in-law gave me for Christmas last year.

We entered Disneyland and checked out Disneyana first. They have some really good artworks and collectibles there and we don’t go in very often to check out new items.  We decided we need to go back mid-week next week to pick up a few larger items.

Next we headed over to Disney Showcase where I found an adorable Stitch Halloween antenna “ball”.  Of course I had to buy it, where I made a great new friend Peyton, who works in the Disney Showcase and the Emporium.  In a discussion on head wear, we compared no hair heads, I won!  We lamented the fact that there are no beanies with ears except for babies, so I told him I’d have to make one.  He wants pink.  I will do this and I will find him and give him one.  I have knitting needles and yarn and I know how to use them!


At Disney Clothiers I found my new “sweatshirt”.  It’s really a hoodie with fluffy fake fleece lining.  I love it!









I also found a Stitch scarf at the Clothiers

Stitch Scarf – background is blue despite the picture.

After that we walked over to Adventure Land and back through Frontier Land where we came across a pumpkin tree we swear we have never seen before:

Says it’s been there since 2007…
Pumpkin Tree







We headed back towards main street and my canvas hat that I normally love wearing was making me feel like I was missing things, and kept flipping up the brim.  I felt like I was going to walk into things.  So we headed toward the Emporium to see if they had a beanie I could try instead.  The middle son and girlfriend were already in the park and hubby had to use the restroom.  We cut through New Century Jewelry where I snagged the last Tinkerbell Scarf on display!


And I found a beanie to wear instead of my canvas Schramsberg hat.  I was all decked out.

It’s really blue, not black.

We all met up for dinner and it was delicious.  After dinner we headed over to the Jungle Boat Cruise, then headed to the Tiki Room for Dole Whip and singing Birds, Flowers crooning, and the tiki’s drumming and chanting.  The Girlfriend swears she has never been in the Tiki Room before.  Thank you my darling middle son and girlfriend/daughter for indulging me in family time at the Happiest Place on Earth.

After that I was feeling tired again, so we called it a night and parted ways with the kids.  Hubby owed me a balloon, and made good on his promise:

It changes colors!

I slept most of the way home.  It was a good day.  Still tired and losing a lot more hair today.  The bald spots GROW!

Eyelashes still there!

Life is still having eyelashes!  And family time.



3 thoughts on “Sunday (always comes to late) October 29 – Getting better all the time”

  1. Hi gorgeous!! A quick note to let you know I’m following your blog…you are simply AMAZING♡ Miss you and think of you every day…give yourself hugs for me…kiss yourself in the mirror…love you Kim XOXO

    1. Thanks Lor! I love and miss you as well. Hope things are going good in the shop. Will try to stop by for a quick hug or something one of these days when I am feeling good. You are a constant in my prayers for your continued health and success. Love you!

  2. Sounds like a fun but exhausting day. Love your lace-trimmed cap. It suits you beautifully. Love you, sweetheart.

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