I don’t care if Mondays Blue – October 30, yes I still have song lyrics stuck in my head

Alarm went off to take meds this morning and I just couldn’t get back to sleep, so I got up. Actually was pretty late for me now, about 6:20 AM. Could be because I had gas last night that kept me awake until about 2 AM. It was OK, I watched Game 5 we recorded while we had dinner at Disneyland with the kids last night. Recording got me through about 1/2 of the top of the 9th. I missed the Yasiel Puig hit that tied the game up and all the action after that. I had to go on-line to look up what happened the last 17 minutes or so. Went to bed just a little disappointed. Not only have I not won one of the Game score cards, but the Dodgers lost as well. Oh well, it is turning out to be a great WS, with both teams playing hard and showing their stuff. I’ve loved every minute of this series.

Today was shopping day. Because I was up, and hubby really wanted to mow the front lawn and start getting ready for tomorrow – Halloween, I fed the cat while he started sprucing up the front yard. When he came in I was just coming back in from feeding the cat as well. Decided we would get ready at that point to tackle the groceries for the week. I am still tired and shaky from this cycle, and last night did wear me out a bit, but I was game.

We had to go to Costco, Trader Joe’s and either Albertson’s or Pavilion’s. We hit Costco first, picked up our two items (2 packages of Roast Beast for the Toothless Wonder Cat), and while I stood in line while Hubby went to grab another item, met a great gentleman in line. I was wearing my pink chemo hat that I made during the infusion of cycle 1. It was just a bit nippley today, so a hat was called for. He took one look at me and asked my how long have I been in my fight. I looked up at this big, burly man and saw a gentle giant with a heart of gold looking back at me with hope and concern in his eyes. Told him just heading into my second month.

He had Testicular cancer stage III. His wife left him upon diagnosis and he was left with a toddler and an infant to take care while going through 7 months of chemo before surgery. Talk about inspiration! I told him so far the chemo has been OK, just getting super tired for the most part. I can’t eat a full meal, so I eat smaller meals instead and wait for the food to finally go down. Still eating pretty well, but when I get to the Radiation Treatment I don’t know how that will effect me. He said get weed! It helped him in coping with so much. Told him I had no interest in smoking it, but I am contemplating using the CBD oils to help me if eating, pain or fatigue become too big of an issue to have some sort of normal in my life. He agreed that is a good solution. Told him my kids are all willing to help me get the CBD oils. Told him I wasn’t sure I wanted to know all this, they may be all grown and out of the house, but what I don’t know can’t hurt me, right? We shared a laugh over that one, and that was when Hubby showed up. They had to reboot the register in that line so we were directed to a new line being opened to check us out, so I reached out to the Gentle Giant with tattoos on his neck and told him Thank you, and please know it meant so much to me for you to reach out and give me some of your energy. I hope you have a blessed life. I thanked him again, and we went our separate ways.

The people you meet in chance encounters like this can be so amazing. I really do hope he has a blessed life.

After we checked out I told hubby I wanted a Costco Hot Dog. I do have a slight chemo mouth this time, but seem to not have lost as many taste buds as last time. The hot dog was good, but not as great as I remember. Hubby had to take a picture and text it to his best friend in Idaho who LOVES the Costco hot dogs. All the times Hubby has spent up there over the past two years, he had never succumbed to trying one of the hot dogs, despite all the cajoling done by the best friend. Hubby decided it was a good dog and maybe he could do this again. He also had to get his frozen yogurt Vanilla/Chocolate Swirl. I did take a few bites of that. After we headed to Trader Joe’s for other items we prefer to purchase there.
Then it was decided Albertson’s rather than a trek up the hill to the Pavilion’s. Didn’t take too long, but by the time we were home, and groceries put away, I was done. I sat on the sofa and tried to stay awake but it didn’t last. Made myself comfy on the chaise and had me a nice nap. Right up to the point when the alarm went off to remind me to take the Advil again.

Then the peripheral neuropathy started to bug me. It’s not worse this time, but I can feel it in my finger tips, the bottom of my feet and my lips of all places. It was the lips that kept me from falling back to sleep completely.

After my first cycle the peripheral neuropathy eventually faded, but I have a sneaking suspicion the more cycles I go through, the longer the effects will last. Time will tell….

Other than that, today was not so bad. More hair is coming out, and I think my eyelashes look a little thinner today, along with my eyebrows. Bald spots are growing and connecting, making for interesting designs on my head. It’s a process.

Hubby has set up his Halloween Decor, and is very ready for tomorrow night. Means another missed Support Group night, but this is his favorite holiday. I could not in any good conscience take this away from his normal. Full size bars for the big kids and bite size candies for the littles. Nightmare Before Christmas will be set up on looping on the DVD player, and hubby will be in his element interacting with the kids that come to the door Trick-or-Treating. A good night will be had by all, and I will be able to watch Game 6 after the festivities are over as we will set it up to record again.

I was supposed to do my laundry today, but I’m too tired. Tomorrow, tomorrow, the sun will come out tomorrow and I will do my laundry.

Pretty in Pink
Chemo Pattern Baldness…

Life is all about your encounters and how you meet them.

One thought on “I don’t care if Mondays Blue – October 30, yes I still have song lyrics stuck in my head”

  1. Amazing how many kind and compassionate people are walking around disguised by their outward appearances. Still, they show up at all the right times. Saying a prayer for the burly tattooed guy who offered up some empathy for you. Love comes from the most unexpected places.

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