Day 3 of last cycle on phase 1 and I am exhausted. Napped several times on the sofa, and struggled to remember to take the antibiotics on time. I have a few more days left of the antibiotics. The port is looking better as well, not as red.
I have gifts to wrap, but the thought of going to the garage to bring in the wrapping paper so I could start was just too much to handle. The shakes are starting in as well, and they usually get worse before it gets better.
Looking forward to a visit from my cousin this weekend. Wonder if I can talk her into seeing Coco Friday night. I really want to see that movie. The Grandson liked it so much he begged to go see it a second time. It must be good. I also want to see Thor Ragnorak. Maybe I can convince Hubby to go see that Thursday.
I did finish one more donate project – a beaded scarf. Thanks Cousin Pam for donating such lovely yarns to work with…
I did forget to keep beads from my stash in the shed to make some flower pins with to add to chemo caps. I just could not face another trip to my shed to bring all the beads back in so I could finish the flowers. Tomorrow is another day.
Not much else going on, making a To Do list for tomorrow, hoping I’ll have more energy to tackle what I just could not do today.
I am noticing it’s getting harder to remember tasks I want to finish unless I write them down when I think of them. I really want a chalk board in the kitchen, I don’t understand why Hubby is so resistant to putting one up temporarily for me. I need something that does not move (like note pads), that I can refer to on short term memory issues. It is starting to get frustrating trying to remember things.
Today was also mostly cold feet and hot head day. Along with hot flashes starting to kick in from the chemo. Gotta love the days when you can’t decide if being naked wrapped in blankets that can be thrown off in a moments notice would be better than being fully dressed. Could be dangerous to come visit unexpectedly here!
Not much to add for Saturday and Sunday. Just normal days of laying around, conserving my energy for important things, like Sunday night dinner with the kids. Hubby and I decided that would be tree trimming day with the Grandson, so we got everything set up for his arrival. He could immediately start hanging the ornaments on the tree.
Ornaments laid out ready for hanging
We told the Darling Daughter 4 PM would be a good time to show up so we had time to decorate the tree and then order pizza for dinner when The Boy and his girlfriend (the SO) would show up to join us.
They arrived at the appointed time and The Grandson did not disappoint, he was ready to lend his decorating expertise to trim the tree.
First his colored balls he picked out last yearUsing a step stool to hang ornaments higher on the tree
At the end there was one very light ornament to hang that the Grandson had picked out last year from the store, he hung it on the front of the tree and we noticed the tree was slowly going to topple over. Hubby quickly went to the rescue and held the tree up and pulled that oh so very light ornament off and sure enough the tree stopped wanting to topple over. It was the straw that broke the camels back. Hubby rearranged some of the ornaments and they were successful in placing that last ornament without bringing the tree down. And of course none of us got a video of this hilarity!
After dinner we broke out my newly expanded game of Cards Against Humanity. We will not be able to play this with the Grandson around any longer. He’s starting to pay way too much attention to what is going on at the table with the adults. Figures, I just received 5 out of 7 expansion packs recently ordered.
Monday I was ready again to go for my chemo, bag packed, new temp tattoo in place, pills taken, ready to go.
Ready to goThe view
After several of the chemo nurses and Deborah the Nurse Practitioner all took a look at my port to make sure it was not still too inflamed to use. We were a go! Kissed Hubby good-bye and we started the premeds. I try to always pick a seat near the window, and Monday in room 3, I had the best window seat.
Port Access
Nurse accessed my port no problem, and we started the pre-meds – Olanzapine and Emend.
From there they do the push on the Adriamycin, they have to make sure there is plenty of saline fluid diluting the drug and check every 5 to 10 minutes for good blood return still happening from my port.
Once that is done I am given the drop of Cyclophosphamide. This is an hour and a half before it’s done.
Cyclophosphamide DripWatching a show on my iPad and knitting while drip happens
One of the girls from my support group also was in for her Taxol/Carboplatin infusion. This will be number 5 for her, so we share notes as this will be the next phase for me as well. She said being tired is her worst complaint. She also has a two year old, so I can totally relate to being tired! It was nice to have another face I know in the treatment room with me.
Once that was done, the Neulasta timed release application is put on the back of my arm. This will be my last treatment of phase 1. Glad to be done with this portion of my treatment plan.
Hubby was waiting for me when I was done, and we made a stop at Costco to pick up a few items, then headed home. I was already feeling very tired, so made myself a quick omelet than took a good nap. Was back in bed by 9 PM. This cycle really seems to be knocking me out.
Tuesday morning was Chemo School to learn about phase 2. Taxol will not contribute to nausea, but it will be a cumulative effect on peripheral neuropathy. I am to keep them informed of the advance of any neuropathy. Taxol will keep my hair falling out. There is also the possibility of adverse reaction to Taxol, rash, swelling, possible respiratory issues. Carboplatin on the other hand will contribute to nausea, and hair loss. Deborah did say about week 4 or 5 I will really start to feel more fatigued than I do now. They are also worried about my kidneys on this drug regime, so that will be monitored closely. I will not receive Neulasta during this phase either, as the bone marrow is not affected as much as it is in the phase 1 drug regime.
My new pre-infusion regime will be for me to take Dexamethasone the night before and the morning of treatment. Take Zantac the night before and the morning of treatment, Benadryl 1 hour prior to treatment and Tylenol 1 hour prior to treatment. I can also take Olanzapine instead of Zofran the night before treatment and 2 days after treatment. There will be no pre-meds administered through my port.
Taxol will take 1 to 1.5 hours to administer and the Carboplatin will take 30 to 60 minutes to administer.
Deborah did recommend acupuncture to help deal with the neuropathy. There is a gal in my Support Group that highly recommends a acupuncturist that is very close to where our group meets. I got her information and will try there. The neuropathy can last up to 6 months after treatment ends, and there are over the counter supplements I can start taking after treatment ends – B6 and Alpha Lipoic Acid. She also said adding cushions in my shoes may help with nerve damage prevention.
She also said day 3 or 4 body aches and pains may set in, I can take Advil for short periods of times to help with combating the pain. And last but not least, the Carboplatin may cause ringing in the ears. Like I don’t already have that!
Phase 2 is still set to start on December 7th. Another run to Costco to pick up the new Rx’s will be in the plan.
We did have to run to Costco again after the teaching appointment but not to pick up new Rx’s as they would not be ready yet. We did pick up some Turkey for the Toothless Wonder cat, more honey to be used in honey tea and a couple of gifts.
Once home I ate lunch and then took another nap. This cycle has really worn me out. We went to Support Group on Tuesday night, and Hubby was glad I didn’t fall asleep during group. I was back in bed shortly after we got home, and asleep soon after that.
First let me start off with how thankful I am for my family. It was so nice to have them here taking over my kitchen, cooking up our Thanksgiving feast, and then all sitting around the table eating and talking after a day of bonding over the cooking of the food, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and football.
My little brother in South Carolina was texting us early in the morning as his youngest son was in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade. His High School was picked two years ago to be in this years parade. Their middle son graduated last year and had the invitation to come back and participate in the parade, but opted to stay home. So our mom, my sister-in-law and the nephew went up to New York for this great event. My brother was giving us the live action blow by blow. We had to wait three more hours for the parade to be broadcast here, so we knew what to watch for when the parade finally aired. First time in years we have actually watched the parade.
They managed to keep the chaos in the kitchen to a minimum, and turned out a fantastic meal. Dinner was wonderful and having all the family here was beyond happy.
I was kind of sad to say goodbye, as we would not have our normal day at Disneyland this year with them. Instead I would be off to Cancer Care to hopefully receive my last infusions of phase 1 of chemo.
Friday morning dawned bright with no clouds in the sky. It would not be as warm today as it was yesterday. I set myself up for infusions today. Took my pills, including the two antibiotics, fed the cat early, put on my temporary tattoo and made sure my chemo bag was ready to go when we had to leave.
We arrived a little early due to no traffic, and Kristen the Nurse Practitioner was ready to re-evaluate my port before we would start treatment. She agreed it looks better today, but still not good enough to use. We could try finding a good vein in my arm, but she was worried if we added chemo to the mix it might slow down or even stop the antibiotics getting rid of the infection. It was decided I needed to be rescheduled for Monday. I took a deep breath and tried very hard to not be disappointed. When we meet with the Nurse Practitioner next Tuesday for Chemo School we will have to ask if this delay will effect the timing of phase 2 start on December 7th.
Because I wasn’t able to watch my two episodes of Outlander during treatment today, I decided to watch them at home, with a nice nap in between.
Woke up Wednesday morning with my port site feeling tender. When I looked at it in the mirror it was red, more red than it has been in a while. After I got dressed I called Cancer Care associates to check in with a nurse. Beth scheduled me to see a Nurse Practitioner. This wasn’t on my agenda for today. I was supposed to take it easy today since I was sooooo busy yesterday. Hubby was worried he needed to go with me, as he had a full day already planned, getting the spare room ready for the big meal tomorrow. I was good with taking myself.
Kristen, the nurse practitioner, agreed my port is sporting an infection. Great…. She was going to send in a request to the Costco Pharmacy for two different antibiotics to hopefully knock this out quickly. If I still show visible signs of infection on Friday I cannot get my infusions through the port. She asked me how my veins are, and I had to tell her horrible, and I have tons of valves in my veins making it nearly impossible to start an IV. Worst case scenario we will have to reschedule my infusion on Friday to Monday.
Just what I don’t want to do, postpone this any longer. We talked about phase 2 a little bit. She said most people have less nausea on the Taxol/Carboplatin, and because this is done weekly, the dosing is smaller. She said people generally feel more tired on this phase, but it doesn’t really kick in until week 4 or 5. Neuropathy is the big thing they worry about with “TC”. Another greeeaaaat….
Once I was done at Cancer Care Associates, I headed to Costco to pick up the antibiotics and of course had to wait, and wait, and wait a little bit more. Finally the Rx’s were ready and I was good to go. I still needed to get my blood draw at LabCorp, on the other side of town, in prep for Friday’s infusions. And of course the antibiotics need to be taken with food. Stopped at Jack in the Box for a breakfast sandwich, which had NO taste, but I got the first two pills in me and headed to the lab for my blood draw.
Thankfully I was in and out of the lab very quickly as I was starting to wind down. Stopped at TJ’s to pick up the three things forgotten yesterday and finally home, almost 5 hours later. I was almost ready to fall asleep on the sofa when the family arrived. I finally had to tell them I needed to take a nap and headed off to bed.
I got a nice nap in, and then it was time for us to head off to dinner at the Italian Restaurant I made reservations for us. We had a lovely dinner, with much laughter. I can hardly wait for tomorrow when everyone is here!
I have decided to commandeer the chaise lounge as my spot for tomorrow. I have moved all my stuff from my spot in the corner of our main sofa, and set myself up on the chaise. Now if I feel the need to nap, it’s a quick slide down and off to zzzz land I go.
And for the first time in years watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is an absolute MUST. One of my nephews from South Carolina is marching with his High School band in the parade! I can hardly wait for tomorrow!!!
Stepmom brought a Thankful Turkey. The Turkey is adorable and there are paper feathers you write what you are thankful for and place in his “butt”.
Tuesday must have been my most productive day yet, since starting this new journey. I knew I wanted to attend the MELT Method class at the Cancer Support Community to learn how to deal with the neuropathy. As I was getting ready I noticed my toes really needed an updated pedicure. I had time to stop and get a pedicure before the class if I left early enough.
After feeding the Toothless Wonder Cat, I got dressed to head out for the pedicure before I went to the class. While I was getting my pedicure, they talked me into a new manicure as well. This was all perfectly timed and I arrived at the Cancer Support Community in plenty of time to get set up for the class.
Cecelia from my Support Group was already there, and she introduced me to some others who are regulars in the class. The teacher was nice and kept us all on track even when others started to deviate. MELT is a physical therapy method you can do yourself using balls to help activate trigger points and connective tissues. This helps counteract the effects of neuropathy. I sure hope so! After the basic class the instructor was willing to step into an unused room to give me a separate lesson on some techniques to use on the head. She’s not heard of anyone exhibiting signs of neuropathy in the lips and gums, and she wasn’t sure if the techniques she was providing for the head would help, but they sure couldn’t hurt.
After I was done with the class I stopped to fill the tank on my car and run the car though the drive through car wash to get the dirt off.
After I was done with that I stopped at the house so Hubby and I could finish of the Thanksgiving shopping. It was decided we needed a new rug/mat in the bathroom, so a stop at Bed Bath and Beyond was in order. From there we needed to stop at Home Depot to exchange the wrong size toilet seat that had been purchased and some weed killer for the front lawn.
Trader Joe’s was the next stop, majority of what was needed to finish off Thanksgiving fixings I was able to pick up from TJ’s; and from there we stopped at Albertson’s to complete the shopping. Back home to put it all away and Hubby says he’s not going to Support Group tonight, he’s just too tired and has a headache. Wow, am I rubbing off on him? I got myself a bite to eat and then it was time to head to Support Group back at the Cancer Support Community.
It was a good group night. Heidi was back and I was very glad to see her. I know childcare can be difficult for them at times. Joanne was there as well, and her dilemma was she has a Black Tie event to attend on December 5 and she just doesn’t know what to do with her head. She has a wig, but just doesn’t feel the vibe to wear the wig to her formal event. She has received so much support over her chemo pattern baldness, as much as she hated the fact she would be losing her hair (right up there with my pain over the possibility of losing my eyelashes), she has started to embrace the hair loss. She, like me has little hairs here and there that have not fallen out. Close up, it’s kind of a patchy mess. She doesn’t feel right going without a head covering, but doesn’t know how to tie scarves.
I told her once she knows what dress she is going to wear to her event, let me know and I’ll grab some of my scarves that match the color and we’ll figure something out. She is very happy with this solution.
I told them about my mouth sores and Sandy told me she had done teas too, like I was doing, but she reminded me of warm salt water and baking soda rinse as well. She also said she used Biotene to help with the mouth sores. I have plenty of that, mouth rinse and spray.
M is still dealing with homelessness. She has a contact I was able to get for her through my work connections. She had a very bad week last week and still needs to follow up and that was the first thing she told me when she saw me. She apologized for not calling the contact yet and I told her it’s completely understandable. Her recent treatment just wiped her out. I hugged her and told her I really hope this contact is the missing piece she has been looking for.
All in all, it was a good day and by the time I got home I was pretty tired. The Toothless Wonder Cat was waiting for me in the driveway and followed me into the house. This is not usual behavior, but he is always welcome to come inside.
He ate two more pieces of roast beast before he made himself at home on the bed. He stayed in until 11 PMish, right when Hubby decided we needed to bring in the litterbox for him, he went out the back door.
Wednesday my family arrives for Thanksgiving! I can hardly wait to hug them all.
I did finish vacuuming this morning while hubby did laundry, took out trash and other misc chores that needed to be finished. I also started a lace cowl to add to the two chemo hats I’ve made so far with the first skein of hand spun yarn from the talented textile maker cousin.
We ran out in the morning after we finished up the few little chores that needed to be completed, to complete some banking, mail drops and grab a bite to eat from Del Taco since there will be no Mexican Food Wednesday this week. We completed those stops in record time.
I did take today a bit easier, I want to be sure I am ready to take the MELT class at the Cancer Support Community tomorrow. I’ve been warned the peripheral neuropathy will get worse in phase 2, and this class will provide me with exercises to help control the neuropathy. I only have a few incidents of it now in this cycle, the mouth neuropathy is all gone, with occasional feelings of it mostly in my feet, and that is only when I am sitting.
The sore in my throat is doing much better, but I am now developing one on the side of my tongue. Honey/Lemon tea, which consists of honey, hot water and a slice of lemon, and swishing with coconut oil will continue. When we go to chemo school I want to ask the Nurse Practitioner if the white coating all over my tongue is normal though. There has to be something that can be done about that. I feel like if I could get rid of that my taste issues would get better. Not necessarily normal, but better.
I don’t know why I didn’t think to get a picture yesterday since I seem to be on a picture taking kick lately, but my Auntie and her Significant Other (SO for short) stopped by yesterday on their way out to Arizona for Thanksgiving with his family. It was so nice to get and give hugs, and visit with them for a few hours before they hit the road to complete their drive. They did ask if we were interested in going out for a bite to eat, but I was still feeling the effects of too many chores on Sunday. My stamina just is not what it used to be, and the aftereffect takes longer for me to recover.
After the Auntie and SO left, we sat and watched a bit of TV. It was almost 8:30 PM before I realized we never took out the trash cans for trash day in the morning. Oops! Easily remedied, but so glad I remembered. Not like I am still sleeping when the trash trucks start coming through in the morning, I could have easily ran out there in the morning if that had happened.
As I promised, Sunday was set aside for chores. Cleaning the bathroom, sweeping, dusting, vacuuming, gardening, making sure the kitchen cabinets are clean, mowing the lawn and laundry. I wore myself out cleaning the house, while Hubby took care of the front yard and set up our holiday decorations. He even ran to Home Depot to pick up new Poinsettia’s to complete the decor. This year he staked down our holiday tree in the front yard so it won’t blow over.
Monday will have to finish the vacuuming, I couldn’t move anymore. I had to take a break and promptly fell asleep on the sofa while watching football. My goal was to be finished so we could watch the American Music Awards without feeling guilty. We had already decided burgers from BCG were on the menu so cooking was not going to be an issue. By noon, I was tuckered and hubby had to run to HD, so we decided BCG was going to be for lunch and we would snack for dinner.
Loved the AMA’s and Pink slays me! She is one of my hero’s. She is brave, strong and lives for herself. Christina Aguilera always amazes me with her voice, and Kelly Clarkson is just beautiful. I loved watching the boy band from Korea, BTS reacting to all the musical acts. And Tracy Ellis Ross wearing her mother outfits during the show was stunning. What a wonderful legacy for Diana Ross. I thoroughly enjoyed watching this awards show.
Since I tired myself out, I sat all afternoon and dedicated myself to finishing projects. I added buttons to the dragon cowl that the Grandson requested be his, and I told him it would be ready for him when he came over on Thanksgiving.
I knit up two chemo caps from the first skein of yarn spun by my cousin that she sent me to knit up caps for donation to the Cancer Support Community. I still have enough yarn from that skein to do another cap or maybe I’ll make a cowl. I do notice my neck gets cold, not necessarily my head.
I still have 4 or 5 more skeins of the cousins hand spun yarn to go after I finish this current skein.
Another thing I noticed in the afternoon was I have my first “mouth” sore from the chemo. It’s actually at the back of my throat, and I can see the sore. I started drinking honey/lemon tea to help ease the sore. It seems to be working. Hubby was worried about the acid of the lemon making the sore worse, but I know what to do.
I also saw on the news, a clip about an interactive “art” installation that opens on Monday in LA – Happy Place. I want to go! It’s hard to plan ahead as we never know how chemo will effect me day by day, but we can project which days will be better than others. I would really like to try to get there before phase 2 starts. VIP tickets are super expensive, so no professional photographer to accompany us, but regular admission should work. Check it out here
Friday found me still dealing with a gut that hates me. It doesn’t know if it wants to hold on to stuff or purge it. Friday was gas. It would not pass, just stayed in gurgly little pockets that would send shooting pains through my bowels all day long.
When I first woke up, as many mornings, I look in the mirror and am startled by what I see. My first reaction is who is that, then in that micro-second, I remember oh yeah, Chemo Girl, and she looks pretty damn good without hair. The Darling Daughter forgot to take her bag of food home Thursday night, so she stopped by after dropping the kids off at school to pick up everything she forgot the previous night. She said she noted the same thing, she looks in the mirror and for that split second she doesn’t recognize herself.
The neighbors across the street, who we love, have been actively following my progress and offering much encouragement. Today Moses brought me flowers just because. They are so sweet. I love having them as neighbors. We could not ask for any better guys to be our neighbors, or our friends.
Friday was also the day for Amazon deliveries. Three separate deliveries made for items ordered recently. I have two more items pending… Maybe Saturday. One of the items still pending is my Hot Water Pot. Years ago, when we first visited with our friends in Canada, they had this great hot water pot that sat on their counter, held about 4 liters of water at a time and kept it at a set temperature. You pushed a button and it would dispense hot water. Perfect for making tea all day long! I wanted one. I scoured the internet and could not find one. On a subsequent visit we found one at Canadian Tire, and I made Hubby carry it on the airplane when we left to come home. Since then I have been finding them no problem on Amazon. As one dies I head to Amazon to order it’s replacement. The latest one is starting to constantly cycle noisily and has a small air leak. All the signs the last one exhibited before it started leaking water all over the counter. Rather than wait for that, I ordered a new one to replace the dying one before it actually breaks. Love having hot water at a press of a button. Great for tea, coffee brewed in my french press, and anything else that needs hot water.
Saturday found me awake before dawn, as now seems to be my normal habit. Knowing the Leonid Meteor shower should be visible I headed to the back yard for some viewing. By that time of the morning the best viewing would be to the southeast, which is where we have a lot of light pollution from a refinery and a community college. But I was game, set myself up on a lounge in the back and watched the sky. Was able to see 5 meteors before the pending dawn light grew too bright to really see anymore unless they flamed super brightly.
As I lay there on the lounge in the backyard, it brought back memories of camping as a child. My parents had separated when I was about 8, and my mother joined an organization called Parents Without Partners. It provided group opportunities for families to do fun things at a discount, like camping, as well as social activities for the singles, like dances. I was about 9 or 10 and had a
“boyfriend”, Bobby Joe. He was more my friend than a romantic interest at that age, but I loved him dearly. When we were at the same functions we were inseparable. When we went camping, we always took our sleeping bags off to some remote spot so we could fall asleep watching the stars, more to spot shooting stars. We would talk about all sorts of things. Why our parents separated, our siblings, our hopes and dreams, world issues as we perceived them. Everything and anything was fair game. Bobby Joe spent one year working any odd job he could find to buy me a Holly Hobby doll and a jewelry box for my birthday. I was so sad when the jewelry box was broken, and I don’t remember what happened to the Holly Hobby doll. I loved Bobby Joe and I hope wherever he is in this world, life has been good to him. It was nice to have those memories to reflect on while I was watching for the meteors. Everyone should have a first love like Bobby Joe, all innocence and perfect friendship, holding hands and laughing in the sun, caring about each other and really listening.
After I finished watching the meteor shower I headed back inside and the Toothless Wonder Cat followed right at my heels. Fed him a piece of Roast Beast (Kitty Crack), and he was good and wanted back out. From there I changed into my yoga clothes and used my yoga app to do a yoga workout.
I finished the Mermaid Tail Snuggly Sack my cousin had asked for ages ago. I ran out of yarn with just a row and a half to go on the tailfin. It was OK though, I knew I needed to get to the store to pick up veggies for dinner. This was the perfect excuse to finally get myself really dressed and head out for a bit. Of course I had to stop for coffee, and I am glad I did as I ran into one of my favorite baristas who had left the coffee business to teach full time. She did tell me she is going to work part-time during the holidays. It was so good to see her and grab a quick hug.
By the time I arrived home, the giant Amazon box was on the front porch, signaling my new hot water pot had arrived.
Dinner Saturday was sauted carrots, pasta and the beer braised beef that I cooked up his past week since I was not able to make it this past Sunday. Dinner was pretty good, and I was able to taste most of it. My taste buds are hit and miss right now. It’s not in sections of my tongue that they are not working, like the sides, or the center, but in random patches over the whole tongue. No sores in the mouth as of yet, so I am taking that as a good sign.
We watched R.I.P.D. with Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges as we ate. It was a very funny movie! Can’t believe we took this long to actually see this movie. One down in our queue, only 195+ to go.
Sunday the plan is cleaning and yard work for both of us, then watch the American Music Awards.
I woke up Thursday with a headache and the signature gut ache that is the precursor to the “purge” that comes day 6/7 of each cycle. My gut is so going to hate me by the time I am done with this. The headache lingered all day, and it was frustrating as we knew the darling daughter and grandson were coming over for dinner.
We knew we needed to go to Costco and Albertson’s so get a few items we needed to get us through to next week when we do the final Thanksgiving shopping. I was very impatient and had a very short fuse. Hubby says this has been the M/O since chemo has started, but even I knew I was having major patience issues. It started with Costco and everyone stopping at the entrance to talk and blocking those of us behind trying to get into the store. And of course there are those that see someone they know and they stop mid-aisle to chat with their carts blocking everyone else from passing. I grumbled my way through Costco for the few items we needed.
By the time we arrived at Albertson’s I needed to use the restroom. I headed to the ladies room while Hubby started picking up the items he needed. I was again frustrated when I could not find any cube stuffing. Just down right ticked off. How the hell are people supposed to make their Thanksgiving meals without friggin’ stuffing? Grumbled my way through Albertson’s as well. As we waited in line I decided to try one more pass at the aisle that should have had the cubed bread I prefer to use for stuffing. I found the last two boxes hidden at the back of shelf. I felt a little better.
From there we headed to Del Taco since it was National Fast Food Day. I ordered a taco, quesadilla and fry combo. After I ate, Hubby sent me to bed. The nap helped a bit, but that darn headache was just there, not painful, but enough to be annoying. It make my shortage of patience even shorter.
The darling daughter showed up about 5 PM with the grandson to make us dinner. She started dinner, Hubby went out to feed the Toothless Wonder Cat, and grandson and I made paper dragon airplanes before we moved onto the wooden train set. Funny, Hubby was just saying we need to clean out some of his toys, the train set being one of them, donate to a children’s hospital or something since he doesn’t play with it anymore. Guess we have to keep that box just a bit longer.
Dinner was ready and we all sat down to dinner at the table together. It was so much fun having dinner together, and the darling daughter made a wonderful chicken piccata, herbed rice and sauteed green beans with mushrooms and shallots. The grandson loved the dinner and was all for eating it so he could have a cupcake they picked up for our dessert.
Beautiful CupcakesChocolatey wasted…
During dinner it was brought up that the Grandson wants to shave his head in support of his Nane. My heart just melted. This prompted a conversation about feelings, and how the grandson was having a hard time talking about his feelings in front of us. We let him go at his own pace, which ended up whispering to his mommy and she would relay what he wanted to say. We also decided it was time to add the Grandson to the measuring wall in the garage.
Once the Grandson had articulated his wish to shave his head in support of his Nane, a phone call was made to his daddy. It was decided they needed to discuss this as a family before the final decision was made. I was worn out by the headache, the dragon planes and train playing, so I stayed inside while Grandpa, the Darling Daughter and Grandson trooped out to the garage to add him to the measuring wall.
After the Darling Daughter and the Grandson got home, they had their family talk about the Grandson’s desire to show his support for me, and he was allowed his wish to shave his head. My heart is bursting with love.