Thursday I don’t care about you, November 2 – Achy

Yes, I still have The Cure stuck in my head!  Despite a good friend adding links to my FaceBook Timeline with other songs and comedy routines to help keep my spirits up.   Maybe I just need to whip out my iPod and listen to The Cure to get this ear bug done with already!

Seems the lyrics are perfectly timed with what has happened this week though.  Monday was “blue” and the cloudy weather did bring a bit of rain Tuesday and Wednesday.  Thursday I really didn’t care for, either.

Thursday started out looking like it was going be the “Hang the Bio-Hazard Placard” day, woke about 4:30 AM with that now familiar cramping in my gut signalling “chemo-gut” was gearing up to let loose.  Oh the joys.  Just the day before Dr. Sikaria emphasized that Imodium is my friend.

As the morning wore on, the cramping in my colon didn’t wane and I just felt off.  I started feeling achy across my upper back, and then I was cold.  I took myself off for a nap about 2:30 PM, and slept until after 4 PM.  I was freezing.  Why I didn’t think I had a fever I don’t know.  I assumed this was the “bone pain” we had been warned about from the Neulasta.

When I finally took my temperature, it was 100.7 f!  Oh, OK, this was not bone pain from the Neulasta, I am actually fighting an infection.  I went and took the antibiotics previously provided by Dr. Sikaria, and called her office as we had been directed in Chemo School.  Dr. Sikaria called me back and confirmed all would be OK, take the Cipro, fever may last through the night, but if it continues to remain through the morning we needed to call back to get another antibiotic.

I told Hubby what was going on as he had been out feeding the cat while I went through all this, and then I proceeded to fall asleep all bundled up on the chaise.  I did tell Hubby that if in the future I ever complain I am cold he is to make sure we take my temperature.  I could have started knocking this thing out much earlier yesterday if I had connected the dots sooner.  Lesson learned!  See – Thursday, I don’t care about you!  I swear The Cure is totally dialed into my week right now!

But that has now changed our plans for Friday.  We were going to head back to Disneyland on Friday to pick up some larger items we had seen that we decided needed to be added to our Disneyana Collection, and to spend some time in the park as we just love being there.  It’s a wonderful place to walk and people watch. We discussed possibly going back Sunday as that is our wedding anniversary, but if the middle child and girlfriend are coming over for dinner I don’t want to stop them from coming over.  I want all the family time I can get!

I did make a date next week with the daughter, she is going to come pick me up and we’re going out.  Looking forward to some of that one on one time with her.

So that is my news for now.   Infection is under control, fever broke during the night in a mass of sweaty robe, PJ’s, wooly socks, layers of blankets and chemo hat.  Back on the road to recovery, and looking forward to an Egg Nog Latte since they should be back out now at Starbucks.  I deserve an Egg Nog Latte!

Life is overcoming the hurdles.



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