Wednesday/Thursday, November 8 & 9 – Flowers and a Date

Yesterday was blood draw day.  I wait until the late afternoon before I head to the lab as I want to get as much liver recovery time I can before I have to give the vampires the next round to make sure everything is “kosher” for the next cycle of chemo on Friday.

As I was sitting on the sofa biding my time until I could head to the lab, I heard a noise on the front porch.  I opened the door and low and behold there was a box.  I hadn’t ordered anything lately, so wasn’t sure what it was.  It had arrows on it showing “This end up”.  Of course the box was upside down…

It was from my auntie.  She sent me a pick me up to let me know she is thinking of me.  A beautiful yellow tea rose, a stuffed Monkey and chocolate chip cookies, all with the message to “Hang in There”.  I loved it!

Finally I could go to the lab.  I get the same phlebotomist every time.  She knows me and goes right to the skin tag and doesn’t even try anyplace else.  She still tries to feel the vein, but she always looks at me and says “OK, the blood has always come out there, so we will go there again!”  Blood always comes out.  I did have another order for Thyroid checks from Dr. Levee.  September was a bad month and I know I screwed up my pills several times, which led to a bad blood panel showing my T4 being high and my TSH too low.  I explained to Dr. Levee and she understood, so she said we’d wait a month a do another draw and then she could renew my Rx’s for the year.  (Received call today from Isel at Dr. Levee’s office – T3, T4 and TSH all good, and 3 month Rx called into Costco with refills for the year.  Yeah!)

From the lab I headed to the bank to transfer money from the Disability issued credit/debit card through BoA to my own account, and then stopped at Rite Aid to replace the bag of Jolly Ranchers the ants attacked the other morning, depriving me of the 1/3 remaining candies.  I have found sucking on a hard candy several times a day helps keep the “metal mouth” taste to a minimum and my taste buds more receptive to regular flavors.

We watched The Book of Life last night, had not seen it yet.  It was an adorable movie.  I really loved The Apology Song.  And the visuals that went with the song made my heart weep.  I love movies that do this, speak to my soul.  I have become enamored with the Dia de los Muertos lately.  Maybe because I have had to contemplate my own mortality, but I love the thought of a day when our ancestors are so close to the veil that separates our two planes of existence that you can feel them with you.  To celebrate our ancestors in such a beautiful way, and to keep their memories going for generations to come.

As far back as I can remember – from when I was about 2 years old or so, I have always felt I had guardian angels, ancestors, that watch over me.  I have always talked to them, asked them for guidance, help, comfort, and thanked them when I have felt their intervention in my life.  They have always been a presence I have felt with me, sometimes I know they are off to something else, but then they return. I cannot imagine my life without them.  I know who they are, have always known who they are, and talk to them by name (nickname).  Even the ones that died before I was even born.  I have a relationship with my ancestors.  It has not always been the same ancestors with me, it’s like they tag team it.  I always wondered if this is why I love the book (and movie), What Dreams May Come.  Would I stay and watch over my progeny once I leave this world?  I would like to think I would continue to pay forward what my ancestors have done for me.  I would rather be here in the flesh to do this, but if my body has other ideas, I would like to think I would remain that silent warm presence that provides love, comfort, guidance and help to those I have left behind.

Today was “Date Day” with the Darling Daughter.  

We had planned this for a week.  Brunch and maybe shopping.  We managed to do both in the few hours she had before she had to go pick up The Grandson from school.  First we stopped at Starbucks to pick up coffee before we headed to Redondo Beach for brunch at Sophie’s Place.  I had my usual – Avocado Toast.  Yum!!! (all the veggies including the sprouts are pickled, not quite raw.)

We stopped at Ross to check out scarves, we each found two we liked.   Great prices too – $6.99.  I then wandered the whole store to see what other treasures I could find.  I found some light fleece PJ’s for winter and a great red dress to wear with leggings, as well as one package of Sneaker Balls.  We also found some great faux fur throws for $14.99 each that would work great with our Ren Faire cloaks.  Talk about WARM!

Keeping my fingers crossed that the liver has cooperated this time and cycle #3 can happen tomorrow morning as scheduled.   Going to try the new plan of Zofran tablet in the morning instead of getting quadruple dose via IV in the morning before chemo infusions start.  Really hoping this works and I continue to pee instead of retain water tomorrow with no breakthrough nausea.

Life is remembering your roots

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