Thursday, November 17 – Started bad, ended beautifully

I woke up Thursday with a headache and the signature gut ache that is the  precursor to the “purge” that comes day 6/7 of each cycle.  My gut is so going to hate me by the time I am done with this.  The headache lingered all day, and it was frustrating as we knew the darling daughter and grandson were coming over for dinner.

We knew we needed to go to Costco and Albertson’s so get a few items we needed to get us through to next week when we do the final Thanksgiving shopping.  I was very impatient and had a very short fuse.  Hubby says this has been the M/O since chemo has started, but even I knew I was having major patience issues.  It started with Costco and everyone stopping at the entrance to talk and blocking those of us behind trying to get into the store.  And of course there are those that see someone they know and they stop mid-aisle to chat with their carts blocking everyone else from passing.  I grumbled my way through Costco for the few items we needed.

By the time we arrived at Albertson’s I needed to use the restroom.  I headed to the ladies room while Hubby started picking up the items he needed.  I was again frustrated when I could not find any cube stuffing.  Just down right ticked off.  How the hell are people supposed to make their Thanksgiving meals without friggin’ stuffing?  Grumbled my way through Albertson’s as well.  As we waited in line I decided to try one more pass at the aisle that should have had the cubed bread I prefer to use for stuffing.  I found the last two boxes hidden at the back of shelf.  I felt a little better.

From there we headed to Del Taco since it was National Fast Food Day.  I ordered a taco, quesadilla and fry combo.  After I ate, Hubby sent me to bed.  The nap helped a bit, but that darn headache was just there, not painful, but enough to be annoying.  It make my shortage of patience even shorter.

The darling daughter showed up about 5 PM with the grandson to make us dinner.  She started dinner, Hubby went out to feed the Toothless Wonder Cat, and grandson and I made paper dragon airplanes before we moved onto the wooden train set.  Funny, Hubby was just saying we need to clean out some of his toys, the train set being one of them, donate to a children’s hospital or something since he doesn’t play with it anymore.  Guess we have to keep that box just a bit longer.

Dinner was ready and we all sat down to dinner at the table together.  It was so much fun having dinner together, and the darling daughter made a wonderful chicken piccata, herbed rice and  sauteed green beans with mushrooms and shallots.  The grandson loved the dinner and was all for eating it so he could have a cupcake they picked up for our dessert.

Beautiful Cupcakes
Chocolatey wasted…

During dinner it was brought up that the Grandson wants to shave his head in support of his Nane.  My heart just melted.  This prompted a conversation about feelings, and how the grandson was having a hard time talking about his feelings in front of us.  We let him go at his own pace, which ended up whispering to his mommy and she would relay what he wanted to say.  We also decided it was time to add the Grandson to the measuring wall in the garage.

Once the Grandson had articulated his wish to shave his head in support of his Nane, a phone call was made to his daddy.  It was decided they needed to discuss this as a family before the final decision was made.  I was worn out by the headache, the dragon planes and train playing, so I stayed inside while Grandpa, the Darling Daughter and Grandson trooped out to the garage to add him to the measuring wall.


After the Darling Daughter and the Grandson got home, they had their family talk about the Grandson’s desire to show his support for me, and he was allowed his wish to shave his head.  My heart is bursting with love.







Life is gratitude for so much love

2 thoughts on “Thursday, November 17 – Started bad, ended beautifully”

  1. What a sweet boy Joseph is. I miss him so much. You are so blessed to have that darling child for your grandson. He brings sunshine with him wherever he goes.


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