Sunday, December 3 – Tea Time

My cousin and I went to have noon tea at a tea house we found in Old Town Torrance.  For noon tea, we were able to get the assortment of tea sandwiches, scones with clotted cream and jam, and Macarons and Sugar Cookies, and we each received our own pot of tea!  We were stuffed by the time we were done.

Chemo mouth decided to kick in full bore Sunday, and I worried  I wouldn’t be able to taste anything, but they had a great Earl Grey Tea that I could taste and it was one of the best Earl Grey’s I’ve had.  Two of the tea sandwich fillings were just to delicate for me to taste very well, but I was able to taste most everything else.  The scones were fantastic!  Not too dry, the perfect crumb and fresh out of the oven.

From there we headed to Redondo Beach to walk and stop by my favorite yard store where I can always spend WAY too much money.  Needed a nice contrasting yarn to go with the hand-spun yarn for the wristlet warmers I am making.

Sneak peek








After exploring some of the cute little shops in the Redondo Riviera area we drove around the bend so Deda could see the drive we like to take, ogle the houses and take in the breathtaking coastal views.  Also showed her the Glass Chapel.  She loved it.  After that drive we stopped at the store to pick up what we needed for dinner.  Simple, fresh tortellini, Alfredo and Pesto Sauces, broccoli to chop up and add to the sauce, and sourdough boules.

Darling Daughter called in the morning, she wasn’t feeling well so would not make it to dinner.  Bummed, but I completely understand, don’t want anyone passing anything to me that will put me behind in my treatment plan.

By the time we were starting dinner preparations I was feeling all the activity from this weekend.  My body was starting to feel very heavy and if I sat still long enough, I know my eyes would quickly slide closed and not open for hours.

Dinner was lovely and we played Cards Against Humanity with the Middle Son and his S.O.  We had some good laughs during the game.

I made it to about 8:30 PM before I started to make my way to getting to bed.  I was falling fast.  I felt bad as Deda’s flight kept getting delayed, and I knew she and Hubby would have to stay up to take her to the airport, where as I would be dead to the world in minutes.

I said my good nights to all and sure enough, I was out almost as soon as my head hit my pillow.  I missed the Super Moon and final goodbye’s with my cousin.  Here is to hoping phase 2 of chemo doesn’t take me down to quickly and we an attend the family Hanukkah celebration here in a few weeks at my cousin’s house.

Life is being able to say goodnight when you need to

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