Saturday & Sunday, December 9 & 10 – B-Day celebrations and naps

Saturday started off good, but I quickly deteriorated.  My body started feeling too heavy to move, and I found myself nodding off to nap land multiple times in the afternoon.   I wasn’t hungry, and I have a feeling not eating contributed to how I felt on Sunday.  I never made it out of my PJ’s on Saturday, and by late afternoon could not even concentrate on knitting.  I took myself off to bed shortly after 8 PM.

I was having a hard time getting comfortable as well, I couldn’t sleep in the bed.  By 2:30 AM I moved myself out to the sofa as I didn’t want to wake up Hubby.  I slept a little better there, I think because I was able to surround my head a little better keeping my temperature better regulated.  Hubby woke up with a charlie horse about 3:30 AM, and I crawled back into bed for about an hour, but again found I was not comfortable, so went back to the sofa for another hour or so of sleep.

I woke up in time to feed the Toothless Wonder Cat at his designated time of 8 AM.  I promptly fell asleep on the lounge, and have no idea when the cat ate or when he left me to sleep.  I napped there for about an hour.  After that I decided I should get my watering done, and was exhausted, I mean shaking muscles exhausted by the time I was done.

I came in and curled up in my corner of the sofa and slept another hour.  I decided I really needed some protein so made myself a nice roast beef and cheese sandwich to get some food and protein in my.  Three naps later I finally finished the sandwich.

I roused myself long enough to take a shower and dress, then had to nap again before I could muster the energy to get my laundry out to the washer.

Things started to get better from there, although I still felt like my body was super heavy and it took a lot of effort to move.  I also noted as I was knitting I would have almost a tunnel vision feel, like my brain could not handle concentrating on more than one thing at a time.  And knitting was slow.  I was not able to knit at the same speed I normally knit.

The kids started showing up about 5 PM to celebrate The Darling Daughter and my birthday.  My youngest is now 30.  My parents are OLD! (LOL).  The Darling Daughter stopped and picked up pie for our dessert, and coffee because I asked for an Egg Nog Latte.  I was still tired, but no longer falling asleep every hour.  I was still having a hard time regulating my body temperature.  One minute I’m hot, the next my head and neck are cold.

I am also noticing the beginning feelings of neuropathy in my feet and hands.  I will be calling the acupuncturist on Monday.  My shoulders and lower back kind of ached, so I took an Advil, that seemed to help.

The air has been so dry, I have set up two humidifiers in the house to try and combat the drying out of my nose, making it bleed, as well as my fingers feeling like they are about to peel apart.

We ordered Chinese food for the gang and Hubby and The Middle Son went to go pick it up.  Diner was a lively affair, with everyone talking, and teasing one another, just the way I like it.  Once we were done eating, we broke out the pie for dessert, and candles were added so The Darling Daughter and I could make our wishes.  The Grandson wanted a candle to blow out too so I told him to ask his uncle to add one more candle for him.  Once we had sung “Happy Birthday” we all blew.

Gifts were exchanged as well as hugs and kisses.  It was a perfect night.  I quickly found myself too tired to continue to sit in the chair at the table so had to excuse myself back to the sofa.  I was better energy wise than I had been in the morning, but still feeling easily tired.

I was ready to go to bed by 9 PM and was quickly asleep after that.

Life is sleeping….

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