Monday, December 18 – Rebellion

Monday, I paid for Sunday’s great energy day.  I woke with chemo gut, and went downhill from there.  Anything I added to my stomach just caused great pain.

I did my best to stay hydrated during this rebellion of my entire digestive tract, but it was not nearly enough.

And I was sooooooooo tired.  I slept most of the day.  I am sure this was partially due to being dehydrated.

I made ginger/honey tea to try and sooth the savage beast, but all it did was make me cramp up more.  I tried giving my gut a little pit of active culture yogurt, hoping it was wanting some good bacteria, again, the response was more pain.

Finally about 5 pm I tried some chicken soup.   The rebellion had worked itself out and was willing to accept this traditional offering of peace.  I ate almost the whole pot that was warmed up.  I still had no energy to clean up after myself, and was promptly asleep on the chaise, yet again, until I woke up about 10 PM.  Hubby cleaned up all my dishes and refilled my water bottle for me while I took myself off to bed to go back to sleep.

So Monday was not one of my better days.  Hubby is also all over me about not eating things I can try to taste, I just need to eat, I don’t know what.  He thinks the Sheppard’s Pie is what caused the rebellion.  I asked him what am I supposed to eat then?  He doesn’t know but I should not be trying to taste my food.  I don’t know what his expectation is in this hot chemo mess.

I also had to cancel my Acupuncture appointment that was scheduled for Monday afternoon.  Thankfully I was able to get this rescheduled for Tuesday afternoon.  I also have to get blood work done Tuesday morning, and have a check up with Dr. Sikaria Tuesday morning as well.  Hubby wants to ask Dr. Sikaria about my diet.  Let him.  As I said, I am not sure what his expectation is as to what I should be eating right now.  It’s not like I am eating a bunch of junk.  I am eating normal foods.  And there seems to be no rhyme or reason as to when my digestive tract rebels.  If he had read everything I have read, maybe he’d know there is no control of this, and I just have to roll with each rebellion as it happens.

Life is trying to stay hydrated

One thought on “Monday, December 18 – Rebellion”

  1. You might try Gatorade in addition to water. At least it will replenish electrolytes. Of course, your body has to be able to tolerate it in the first place. Personally, I hate the stuff! LYTTMAB,

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