Saturday & Sunday, December 16 & 17 – Missing Hanukkah and So much energy

Saturday was the day we would have been up north to celebrate Hanukkah with my family.  My cousin texted me a few times keeping me up to date with what was going on in preparation for the latke cooking and food eating.  The Darling Daughter texted me when they arrived at their hotel.

When it came time to start the actual celebration, my cousin FaceTimed me so I could be there as well.  After a funny false start due to my screen locking in one aspect even though it was not “locked”, we were set to go.  First there was the candle lighting.  This year was a little subdued as not only were we not there, but one branch of the family was not there as well.  My Uncle and his wife, their two children and their significant others were all off celebrating my aunt’s mothers 90th birthday, which was Saturday.  Their presence was missed, I could tell!

I loved watching the kids open their presents, and the chaos this creates as everyone tries to pass out their gifts at the same time.  When we’re all there it’s even worse!  Then the kids go off to play with their new toys and those of us participating in the gift exchange gather together and our fun ensues.  We run it like a white elephant gift exchange.  We usually assign a theme to the gifts, this year being anything to do with the Ocean/Tropical.  All the gifts are put together and we draw numbers.  Whoever draws number 1 gets the first and LAST pick.  A gift can only be stolen twice, and you cannot steal a gift back that has been stolen from you.

There have been a few years when The Cousin and I have wanted the same gifts, and so far age and wisdom and overcome youth and treachery.  (Meaning I have been victorious.)

Once everything was done and they all went off to play CAH (Cards Against Humanity), we said our good-byes and I went back to our normal Saturday night past time – watching TV.  I love this technology that allows me to be part of the action.

Sunday was a good day.  I had so much more energy than I am used to having right now.  I still moved in “slow” mode, but didn’t feel like I had to stop.  I made the stew portion of Sheppard’s Pie on Saturday, so today all I had to do was make the mashed potato topping and finish cooking.  I also threw together a skillet soda bread to eat with the Sheppard’s Pie.  One of The Middle Son’s favorites. I also baked a batch of Peanut Butter Cookies, after running to the store to get corn syrup needed for the cookies, picking up a “nozzle” for the new faucet Hubby plans to install in the kitchen to replace the leaking one, and a run out to Michael’s to pick up more decorative cup cake liners (and yarn!).

I also did a load of laundry.

Once The Middle Son arrived, he helped me finish up the Sheppard’s Pie while I folded the laundry, and then we sat down to eat and watch a movie.  I ended up sleeping through most of the movie….  another one of those sudden chemo nap attacks.  They hit out of the blue and there is no stopping them.  I am OUT.

I woke up just in time to see the end of the movie.  After the movie was over, Hubby and The Middle Son cleaned up and I listened to them talk.

Life is creating a new normal and ways to connect

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