Wednesday, December 20 – Infusion Day

My infusions are now scheduled for afternoons since I am under 4 hour infusions.  I had time to kill in the morning, so was working on getting a new knitting project together, packing my chemo bag, putting together snacks, showering, and all that good stuff.  Taking my time as I do move slower now and at times I find I lose my train of thought and it takes me a few long moments to remember what I was doing.

Then the boss called.  Of course he did.  Today was the last day to submit a bid package electronically for the new SSL that will be coming on line next year.  The same bid package I had asked him weeks ago how he wanted it priced so I could get it completed and uploaded.  Then I started Taxol/Carboplatin and my ability to help has been cut in half due to “bad days”.

So my schedule went to hell while I did my best to help the Boss over the phone when only one of us could be logged into the on-line bid system.  My yarn knotted all over the place from me trying to roll it into a ball I could work with while constantly referring to my notes and laptop.  I barely got everything together in time to leave and forgot snacks.  I spent my whole time during infusion working out the knots in my hand spun yarn shank.

Lesson learned, even if infusions are now in the afternoons, start packing the night before.

We made it in time even though I ran a wee bit late out the door.

We were surprised when I was called from the exam side doors not the infusion room door.  Nurse took me back to the lab for a finger prick.  When I asked what the finger prick was for she said a CBC (complete blood count).  Seems my labs from the day before showed my white cells at 1/2 of the lowest range of good.  Well isn’t that special.  Back out to the waiting room to wait on results.

Waiting on CBC results

While waiting on my results, the check in nurse was startled when she noticed I was still there waiting to go into infusion.  She apologized and said she had notified the infusion room again that I was waiting.  I told her they were probably waiting on the blood work results before they come get me.

It didn’t take long and I was called back. Hubby always goes back with me on the initial walk in and weighs in to make sure infusion will happen before he leaves.  We’re no longer allowed visitors with the patients in the infusion room.   I had Joanna this time and she said yes, my CBC came back better, white cells are back into normal range and everything else, even though low, was in acceptable range for infusion.  Kissed hubby good bye and into infusion room 2 I went.

Temp Tattoo was ready for Joanna, and she loved it.  Got it right away.

Temp Tattoo ready to go

With Puerto Rico still dealing with major infrastructure issues, IV fluid bags are in short supply.  Seems all IV Fluid bags are manufactured and pre-filled there with standard IV Drip fluids for flushing and hydration, so they could not hook me up to a drip to add fluids.  They are still able to manually create flushes with push syringes, so I had a few of those before a blood draw to support the research study I am signed up to support.

After that they hooked me up to the Taxol and let her rip….







I had a great view this time as well, with a cloudy day and sun filtering through


As I sat there untangling my yarn and slowly rolling it into a ball, I watched the last episode of Outlander.  Before I knew it, it was time for the Carboplatin.

I almost finished Outlander before the drip was done.  I was unhooked from the drop, flushed, and new heparin infusion into the port to prevent blood clots, and then my port was unhooked from the IV catheter and I was free to go.  Hubby was waiting for me in the lobby and that was when I noticed he was wearing a different sweatshirt from the day before.  Oy, my mind is so one track right now, it sometimes frustrates me.

We headed home and I started working on cutting out rolled cookies, and then worked on some drop cookies.  Two more down, four to go.  Then I can start handing out the boxes of cookies!

Sleep was elusive, again, just as in previous treatments.  It has to be the steroids.  I took the Lunesta and finally fell asleep about midnight.

Life is praying for good blood work results


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