Sunday, December 24 – Christmas Eve

I felt better when I woke up today, still a little off, but better than I had been.  Still tired.  I waited for Hubby to get up by going through email and watching the Dr. Who Marathon on BBC in preparation for the Dr. Who Christmas Special being aired Christmas night.

Once Hubby was up, we started on finishing up the last minute cleaning and shopping.  I did a final clean on the bathroom, and then swept the floors in preparation of Hubby steaming them with the Shark Steam Mop.  That exhausted me and I had to take a little breather.  Once I was able to stand without shaking again, I showered and dressed and went to feed the Toothless Wonder Cat.

He was not very interested in me feeding him and one “Dad” came out back he would only eat for him.  Once that was done, Hubby started some last minute laundry and we both left to run separate errands.  I to the grocery store and the drug store to pick up another humidifier and the last minute perishables needed for the next two days, Hubby to go pick up our catering order from the BBQ restaurant we always order from.

Once we were done with all the errands and finishing touches to the cleaning, we both took much needed rests.  Hubby laid down for a nap and I napped in front of the TV watching football.  My favorite way to nap!

About 5:30 PM, one of The Boys stopped by to get my order for CBD oil.  He was back in minutes and I took my first dose, a drop under the tongue.  Starting with 20-1 ratio of CBD to THC.  Need the THC to act as the catalyst.  Hopefully this will even out my bad days.

Family started showing up about 6 PM and I was ready.  It was so much fun to have the house full.  Dinner was ready to go by 6:30 PM, and we had the tables all set up.  Full house and it was so worth it!  I could actually taste all the food which was exactly what I wished for!  The conversations flowed all around as we all caught up, exchanged ideas, exclaimed over adventures and were just family gathering to keep a tradition going started by Hubby’s grandparents.

One younger cousin was astonished to learn some of his history and exclaimed to all of our delight “What, I’ve been living a lie all these years!”  (He found out his ancestry on that side of the family is Spanish decent, no Puerto Rican.)

The younger generation was sent home with Christmas cash, and the older with gift boxes of cookies.

We were then blessed with the other Boy (Sons from another mother), and his fiancé.  Since he will not be here Christmas day since they have obligations with his fiancé’s family, he was able to open his stocking last night.

Everything was cleaned up and put away, and we were ready for bed.

It was a great night and I am so glad we kept this tradition going.

Life is keeping family traditions

One thought on “Sunday, December 24 – Christmas Eve”

  1. So happy you could enjoy Christmas Eve with Robert’s cousins. Sounds like you had a great time. Check out Facebook for posts of this morning’s concert courtesy of Connor and his new trumpet.

    Last night with all the Devinee was reminiscent of our Chanukah celebrations when there were too many people for the size of the room and lots of little children madly opening gifts from God only knew who. Noisy with laughter, at least one kid crying over something, and the grandparents just sitting back and grinning.

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