Monday, December 25 – Christmas Day

Woke up at my “normal” time – about 4:30 AM, and started my routine, brush teeth, wash face, check email, watch news, update blog.  Hubby wakes somewhere around 6:30 AM.  My, how our roles have reversed.  He used to be the one awake in the pre-dawn hours while I slumbered away until the alarm went off.

I went to feed the Toothless Wonder Cat.  He’s been in a fight and we’ve noted some injuries to his back leg and front paw.  I could see now open wounds, but the areas a slightly swollen and red and he’s walking very gingerly on those two legs.  He didn’t eat much; he’s still having some major gum issues.  I wish we could actually hold him so we could get him to the vet.

Once I was done feeding, or more like attempted to feed Toothless, I started the prep of the beignets, I was using a new recipe this year, yeast instead of baking soda leavening.  The Middle Son said he would be back at our house about 9 AM and that would have worked for him to make the beignets, but that didn’t happen which we figured would be the case.  Yeast based dough needs time to rise.

Once The Middle Son arrived, I put him to work helping me get the rest of the spread of snacks set up and once the dough had risen, he was put in charge of rolling, cutting, and cooking the beignets.

By this time the Darling Daughter and her family had arrived as well, so we were just waiting on beignets to finish so we could open presents.

The Grandson and his daddy played with his Hot Wheels while we waited for the French doughnuts to be ready.

How far will they “fly”?

Finally it was time, and we let the Grandson open all his gifts from everyone first.  We all stuck to his wish list this year, and got some great reactions.  First we started with the stockings and then moved to the wrapped gifts







Stocking goodies
Thank you GG and Papa
It’s not more Legos!
I wanted this for a long time! (Hatchimal)
From Uncle and Auntie















Once all the gifts were opened I went out to the sofa in the front room and watched some TV, I was exhausted from all this excitement.

I fell asleep and Hubby had to wake me up when one of The Boys came down to wish us Merry Christmas.  I needed to see him get his stocking.  One of my little brothers called me at that point, which was perfect timing as I was awake to answer my phone… I went back to sleep after he left and The Middle Son and the Girlfriend took off to spend the rest of the holiday with her family.  Naps were good, but I awoke with acid reflux.   I’ve noted I have more problems with that now even though I am taking Pilosec every morning and Zantac every night per my Gastroenterologist.  Yet another side effect of chemo.

The Darling Daughter and her family left a few hours later to go spend the rest of the afternoon with our son-in-laws side of the family.

The house was empty and Hubby was cleaning up our snacking feast from earlier.  I was disappointed to find he threw away some of the left over foods as he felt no one would eat them.  This is what I get for napping…

I was still tired the rest of the day, could not concentrate enough to knit, so I worked on my puzzle app while I vegged in front of the TV.  I was waiting for the Dr. Who Christmas Special.  We’ve been waiting for a year for a new Dr. Who.  I couldn’t stay awake for the whole episode.  Thankfully Hubby was recording it, so I can watch it later when I can stay awake.

All in all, Christmas day was a wonderful day, even though I couldn’t stay awake.

Tuesday I have blood work that needs to happen, we need to mail off a package to my dad and mom #2, and looks like we will have a visit from family visiting from out of town.

Life is celebrating holidays

One thought on “Monday, December 25 – Christmas Day”

  1. Glad you were able to enjoy the madness of gift opening with Joseph. Looks like he had a blast and got lots of things he wanted.

    Next time tell Robert to save the food when he is cleaning up. You can graze and then throw out what you don’t want to keep, even if you sleep through the cleaning process. Shucks, you might wake up hungry!


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