Tuesday, January 16 – No Group Tonight

I had my blood draw this morning, and then Hubby took me to the bank so I could transfer my disability money into my account. From there we stopped at the post office to mail of Netflix, then home so I can try and feed the Toothless Wonder Cat again before we headed out to my acupuncture appointment.
Spoke with my acupuncturist about the change in my chemo regime; she is hopeful that this will be good for me.

After having slept on the new information about my chemo and the removal of the Carboplatin, Hubby’s input on what he thinks, my mom’s comment to yesterdays post, and others sending their support, I am good with stopping the Carboplatin. I would rather stop the Carboplatin and be able to continue the Taxol for 6 more weeks than have both of them stopped sooner than planned.
That said, I am looking forward to having more energy this next week with only the Taxol being administered tomorrow.

I have reached out to my oncology surgeon and have a follow up appointment set for next week and my plastic surgeon has also been notified that we will be starting the ball rolling on surgery.

I did find out today that surgery will not be right away, they have to give my body time to recover from the chemo. It will be no later than 12 weeks after chemo ends, with the goal within 6 weeks of chemo ending. Hope my body cooperates and recovers quickly from chemo.

Now for the title, no Support Group tonight, not because of me, because of Hubby. He worked in the backyard today, replacing some termite damaged beams in our covered patio area so he can get at least a coat of primer on them before the anticipated rain on Thursday night/Friday. Hubby is hurting, his legs and his back. So he’s sitting on a heating pad trying to help ease his aches.

Figures, a night I really wanted to go to Support Group to talk about the changes in my chemo regime. Wanted some feedback from those who have gone through this already. Next week….

Life is waiting to see the changes

One thought on “Tuesday, January 16 – No Group Tonight”

  1. Life is also what happens while you are busy making plans. Hope Robert feels better today and can move about with no discomfort. Missing one group is not the end of the world. I’m very happy that you are feeling better about the change in the chemo regime. I think, in the long run, this is not going to make any difference in the ultimate success of the treatment. You are going to beat this disease into submission regardless. The Wisnia Women, Judy & Kris, who have fought this battle before you are still here to tell the tale. You will triumph as they have. LYTTMAB!

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