Sunday, January 21 – Feeling generally OK

I missed posting Friday and Saturday, just because I was tired and my brain could not string enough sense together to make it worth posting. That said, I was not bone achingly, drag my feet tired. I was just generally tired. I could still function on a decent level. I could make myself food and clean up after myself. I could move myself around the house without feeling like it was going to collapse, like I had to sit every other step. This is a huge improvement. Much better than the effects of both Taxol and Carboplatin together.

Neuropathy seems to be about the same. I’ve had no pain with my neuropathy, just numbness in my fingers, feet and my lips. I think I feel it on my scalp as well, but it comes and goes so much, I am not sure if its neuropathy or just my scalp dealing with temperature changes in the air. I didn’t feel like I could knit at all yesterday, but I think I can take up my knitting again today. I have not tried yet.
We’re heading to the grocery store today rather than doing it after any appointment next week, just because this next week is filled with appointments. I have at least one appointment every day this next week. The Oncology Surgeon, an ultrasound of my breast so we can see what’s going on with Blink, my infusion, acupuncture, blood work, and another follow up with my GP, this time to renew my Synthroid Rx. (Insert eye roll here….)

I’m exhausted just thinking about all my appointments this next week, but I know this means I am moving towards the next stage of my treatment and that means I am moving towards being cancer free. Well, except for the GP, which I feel is just a gross lapse in reviewing my medications on my GP’s part. If I had been in my right mind I would have remembered to ask her about my now “annual” Rx for Synthroid, but I wasn’t and so a week after seeing her for my renewal of Paxil, I was calling in for a renewal of my Synthroid. She wants’ another blood test to see where my TSH and other thyroid measurements are currently before she renews my Rx. I just did this in September, so I am a little frustrated that she’s making me do this again. I don’t want to have to go in to review this blood work in person; I hope she will allow this to happen over the phone.

Looking forward to the kids coming over for dinner tonight. We will not get to see the Grandson though, as he has developed the sniffles over night and we cannot afford to expose me to any illness right now. Not with my immune system compromised. The Grandson had an accident at school and ran into a fence. He developed a huge hematoma on his forehead. Darling Daughter took him to the doctor the next day when it was still there to insure no problems with concussion or other issues. Doctor gave him the all clear and warned to not be surprised if the hematoma traveled to his eye, and not to worry. I was so looking forward to seeing this wonderful bruising on his head and having that absolutely fun discussion about running into a fence.

Life is numb fingertips

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