Wednesday, January 24 – Chemo day

Did my normal routine to get ready for today’s chemo infusion.  Got up, checked emails, fed the Toothless Wonder cat who has decided the last few days, breakfast needs to be eaten inside.  When he’s done eating he likes to look out the front window…

He did spend time in my lap getting loves and brushing before he decided it was time to go back outside.  From there I showered, dressed and applied my temporary tattoo.  Made sure my electronics were charged and started prepping my chemo bag.  I ate breakfast and later made my lunch as I really don’t feel like eating much after chemo, tummy really slows down after chemo.  I feel peckish after chemo, but a small snack is about all I can handle.

I was hoping that since we stopped the Carboplatin I would not have to have a finger stick today for a recheck on blood work.  No such luck, they called me back for a finger stick.  ANC yet again.  Like last week, yesterdays draw came in at .4, today 1.4.  Red and White Blood cell count is still low overall and my liver was a little wonky, but not enough for them the cancel today’s infusion.  

I started feeling tired about halfway through my infusion.  I am tired now, and have a feeling tonight will be an extra early bedtime night.

Monday is the follow up appointment with Dr. Sikaria, depending on what happens with that appointment; today may be my last chemo infusion.  Knowing that Blink is not measurable in Ultrasound, I would be slightly happy if today was my last infusion.

When I was at Group last night, Heidi finally was able to make a return.  She’s been going through hell on her Taxol infusions.  She ended up in the hospital last week, her white cell count fell to 0, she’s got chemical burns in her hands from the chemo, add this to her exhaustion and she has been through hell.  Her last Taxol treatment has been cancelled, she is very happy about this and her surgery has already been scheduled.  She tested positive for BRCA1 and BRCA2 so she is having a bilateral mastectomy as well as an oophorectomy (removal of her ovaries) as she is at high risk for ovarian cancer as well.  Other than her genetic testing coming back positive for the BRCA genes, we both have the same cancer.  I felt bad when I was the one who broke the news that prophylactic removal of your breast does nothing to reduce the chance of recurrence of our type of cancer – highly aggressive & triple negative.  She looked a little stunned and felt bad that I said this when I was asked why I wasn’t going the prophylactic route.

The other thing that came up is her oncology surgeon is Dr. Ali-Jones and she really likes her.  She’s petite, calm and takes her time, answers all questions and makes you feel at ease according to Heidi, who is a very active person and manifests all her energy in her body language and how she talks.  I love her energy, even when she feels like she has none.

Grace was also back last night and she shared how she has her first follow-up appointment with her Oncologist since her last treatment almost a year ago.  She is going to ask her if the puffiness that has not gone away completely from the chemo will every go away.  I am wondering at her answer as I have noticed puffiness in my face as well, along with my hands and feet.  Grace still says she sees it in her face.  This is not something I have had come up in any of my reading/research, so was not aware that the puffiness may not go away.  Great….

Today my neuropathy actually felt better, not as much numbness in my fingers and lip, and my feet hardly bothered me at all.  Just in time for the next infusion.  This is something to tell Dr. Sikaria when I see her on Monday.  I also need to remember to ask her about my annual mammogram which is due.  Should I get this done so we actually have updated images of my left breast?

I am sending good thoughts to my cousin and his bride to be who get married this Saturday in Chicago.  I hope they made it in to Chicago with no issues today to get ready for their wedding and my prayers are with all my family that are traveling tomorrow to Chicago to attend this wonderful event.  I wish I could be there, but there is just no way I could make a journey to Chicago at this time.  I wish them both well, and that their wedding is all they hoped and dreamed of while they planned.

Life is celebrating my family from afar (while I nap…)

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