Sunday, January 28 – Missed the wedding

First let me start with Thursday and Friday, I was tired, but again, not nearly as bone dragging tired as I had been when I was getting both the Taxol and Carboplatin.  This week I did noticed marked improvement in my neuropathy.  I am beginning to think I actually complete the last four cycles of chemo.  Now I just need to find out if Dr. Sikaria feels the same way when I have my follow up with her on Monday.  Even if it’s decided that I don’t need to finish the last four cycles, I am good  Blink is not measurable in ultrasound.

I have still been going to bed fairly early.  Friday night I stayed up until after 9 PM, but I was also awake at 2 AM and could not get back to sleep.  I think I was excited for my cousin’s wedding.

Last year my cousin proposed to his girlfriend and she said yes.  The bride’s family is from Chicago, so that is where the wedding was planned.  Up until my diagnosis and then resultant treatment plan, I was planning on attending that wedding in Chicago.  Once we knew my treatment plan and schedule it was readily apparent that attending the wedding would be out of the question for me.  I was so sad when I realized I would not be able to attend my cousin’s wedding.

When my other cousin – Deda was visiting me last year she came up with a plan so I could “be” at the wedding without having to “be” there.  We told no one of this plan.

Yesterday afternoon the pictures starting pouring in through several apps, and I was able to see most of the wedding and people were able to see me.  Although, I must admit, I was taller than I have ever been in my life!

Dapper Hassing men
Mom, Uncle and The Groom
Dad and me
Love you too!
Little M holding my hand
Auntie and me
Uncle R and Mother of the Groom (Auntie)



I even got to dance!

And because my cousin and his bride never met a photo booth they didn’t like, there was one included at the reception:







There were many more photos, but I won’t bore you with all the gory details.  I love my cousin/sister Deda and her bright idea to keep me involved in the wedding celebration.  It was the next best thing to being there.  As I said, I was surprised at how tall I was.  Deda decided I would like to be as tall as the rest of the family for once when Kinko’s asked her how tall the cutout should be 5 feet or 6 feet.

I finally had to sign off with the family last night as my bed was calling me and they were still having fun in Chicago.  I love my family and their creativity!

Life is celebrating family, even from 2,000 miles away

3 thoughts on “Sunday, January 28 – Missed the wedding”

  1. When one of us is hurt – we all hurt.

    More than a couple of times Mom and I started to cry at how sad we were that you weren’t there and WHY you weren’t there. And then we would force a smile and say, “happy, happy, happy, happy…” until the tears went away and we got our heads back in the game.

    Can’t wait to give you the play-by-play on Saturday!


  2. When I saw the cutout, I got tears in my eyes. You looked so beautiful and happy, but you were only cardboard. I missed you so much all weekend long. Even though we were having a fabulous time with everything we did, there was that little place in my heart than didn’t stop aching. I am so happy we could all help to include you in the festivities in a way that I would have never imagined. I tried to get as much video as well as photos so you could get a feel for how wonderful the wedding really was. Did you like the Bobsey Twins part 2? LYTTMAB!

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