Thursday, March 29 – Nerves…

As many of you probably saw on Facebook last night I am having some fun with my nerves regenerating after the two surgeries. Since my first surgery my right underarm has been numb. Figured it was a given as that is where the incision was done to remove the sentinel lymph nodes. Last Friday, right past the numb part that extends down the underside of my arm about 4 to 5 inches, it started feeling like I had a rash or something. Irritated. That has gradually gotten worse so that it now feels like that part of my arm is just raw. There is nothing wrong there, it just feels that way. In addition, in recent days my hot flashes are now accompanied with a prickly sensation all over my upper body. Very similar to the feeling I had the last time I was sick from chemo and thought I was going to die.

In the follow up with my Oncology Surgeon, Dr. Ali-Jones yesterday, learned all of this is related to my surgeries and are my surface nerves slowly regenerating from being cut. She suggested I try ice under my arm as this is the most irritating spot and causes me the most discomfort. I tried this last night and it seems to help.

Dr. Ali-Jones also noted how uncomfortable I still was from last Friday’s surgery and asked if I had any anti-inflammatory drugs in my pain relief regime. Told her no, Dr. Goldberg didn’t want me on any NSAIDs. She put in a call to Dr. Goldberg to ask if she could get me some Toradal. (Rx strength NSAID). Dr. Goldberg agreed to the Toradal. She called that into the pharmacy for me yesterday. Hopefully that will also provide some relief of the discomfort I am having from all the surgeries.

I received a couple back up compression bras yesterday that I had ordered thru Amazon. Not quite as tight as the compression bra from the hospital, but will due for now while I wash everything. The surgical compression bra was starting to itch… It was covered in blood spots too. Hydrogen Peroxide took care of all the blood spots on the bra and my tanks. Now I just need for the bra to air dry. Carolyn from Dr. Goldberg’s office said they would order a second bra for me and have it shipped to the house. So far I have not received anything from them. I definitely need to keep a compression bra on, as yesterday when I removed it for my exam with Dr. Ali-Jones and as I was waiting there bra-less with just the drape, it was very uncomfortable, I had to lay down and hold my breasts with my arm to keep them in one place.

I did go to bed quite early. I am sleeping a little better since the Grandson agreed to share my wedge pillow with me. I’ve been able to create a new nest of pillows to prop my arms in a position so they are comfortable so I can stay asleep. I really miss being able to sleep on my side.

The pain meds make me so darn tired. I delayed taking my meds today so I could clean out my email boxes. I also have my laundry I need to check on and fold so Hubby can bring in the basket for me. He was so nice to carry it out to the washer for me this morning. Once I do that, I will take a nice nap.

Life is waiting for my body to heal (and hopefully like my boobs…)

One thought on “Thursday, March 29 – Nerves…”

  1. I’m not looking forward to all of this discomfort you are describing. I’m sure I will have to experience the same things. Marti Wachtel went through the same thing but minus the chemo ten years ago. Her doc sent a sample of her lymph node to a lab in California for analysis, Onco something, and it provided a prognosis that determined whether or not she needed chemo, which she did not. I’m going to check it out some more. More information coming at me all the time!

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