Thursday, July 26 – It’s fixed!!!!

I have my laptop back! Woot Woot!!!!  All it needed was a new battery.  Great little repair shop in Lomita tested it out, discovered it was the battery, ordered a new battery for me, installed and charged it all up and I am good to go.  Working from my laptop right now.  Feels so good.

The further down my boob you go, the pinker it gets….



I am done with day 9 of 30 on the radiation therapy side.  Getting pinker by the day, but still only pink, not red.  I have a couple more bumps that look like the first one, which Jackie (radiation oncology nurse) has already diagnosed as folliculitis.  I take this as a good sign right now.   The techs seem to start to gather in the treatment room when I am called back.  I usually only have two techs, but I see a couple start to follow me into the treatment room and they hover near the door after I have set my bag down and turn the corner into the room.  I’ve also had three techs the past week.  Tuesday Alex was added to the room, but he’s new and learning the ropes.  It was just him and Terri yesterday, but today Art was back in the mix with Terri and Alex.  Alex was having a hard time getting me positioned just right today.  He kept pushing the tissue on my right side between the tattoo and my armpit.  After he did that the 5th time in a row I finally said, “Alex, as much as you push on the flesh over there, it’s always going to move back to where it was….”  We all laughed and then Art asked him how far off he was.  Art pushed on my left side a little bit and viola, I was all lined up for today’s zapping with the photon beam.

I met with Dr. Simko on Wednesday and he checked out the pinkness of the boob.  He said it was a little pinker than he would have expected at this point, but we’re still in the good territory.  He liked Wednesday’s tattoo, kind of.  He really doesn’t show much of a sense of humor.  I tried joking with him a bit, but he didn’t bite.  Took it all seriously.  I told him I had been thinking about Dr. Endicott and her vacation cottage in “lake” country.  He nodded, and agreed with me that it is probably very nice there right now.  When I made the statement that “I’d rather be there rather than here.”, he looked at me, raised his eyebrow, and said “Isn’t that a given?”  It was more a rhetorical statement, but he took it so seriously.  He didn’t get the tattoo either, asked me to explain it.   He did ask me if I’m feeling any fatigue yet.  Yesterday no, today I am starting to feel a little tired.  Like I could lie down and take a nap and would fall right to sleep if I allowed myself to do that.  Hoping that is just today.


Today all three techs, Terri, Alex and Art loved the tattoo, and we even joked about getting super-human powers.  It really should be an option!  We all agreed on that one.  Art mentioned I should get the three-eyed fish from The Simpsons, or The Hulk.

(What… it could happen)







I have put in 40 minutes at the pool both Wednesday and today.  Tried out my new waterproof MP3 and ear buds.  Swimming to music is much easier than just my thoughts. Going for the trifecta tomorrow.  We also got the shopping done for the week this morning.  In addition, I have finished decluttering my desk.  However, I have not read the last chapter assigned for our final class next week.   I have all my drawers and closet still to go through.  Once I finish with that, I have to decide what I am going to declutter next.

Robert has been working hard in the back yard.  Joseph has asked for a place to ride his bike, so grandpa is building a BMX track in the back section.  It’s mostly cleaned out now, so next will probably be 40 to 50 cu yds. of dirt…  that is a LOT of dirt he’s planning to put back there.   He’s drawn up a plan, and Joseph has approved it.  Joseph loves all the jumps.

Life is cleaning up my clutter (including the fat)

One thought on “Thursday, July 26 – It’s fixed!!!!”

  1. De-cluttering is just another form of letting go. It will help you with all the emotional letting go. So happy you are well on your way with this. I’m fighting that battle with my office as well as my fat. Still so much work to do. You have inspired me so this will be short so I can get to it.


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