Thursday October 12 – Day 3 of cycle

Woke up this morning, feeling off and shaky.  Still tired, but I pushed through this, made myself eat some breakfast, oatmeal with dried blueberries added and a bit of honey and cream.  This is something I would normally love to eat, today it was ok.  I could still taste it mostly, just a little off, and it just doesn’t feel good to eat.  I needed to just veg for a bit, then logged in clean up my mail.  That helped get my mind off how I was feeling, but it was very draining.

I had a nice surprise call from our “red-headed step daughter”.  She happened to be temping at a company I had sent an email too about in invoice I was disputing before I went on leave.  She saw my name and number and tried to call me at work.  She found out I’m home going through “treatment”, so she called me on my cell.  It was so nice to hear from her again.  She’s going to call me back later.

Once I was done with all that, I decided I wanted a shower and to take a walk at the beach.  I needed to pick up some leave paperwork from the Oncology of office, so this was a good excuse to have hubby take me out.  Didn’t feel comfortable with trying to do this myself.

I took the shower, even though I have to keep my back to the water, which I thought would be easy (not as easy as I thought, I had to constantly remind myself to not turn around), but it felt good to wash under running water, not with just a washcloth.

I made myself some lunch – Chicken Noodle soup that my lovely daughter made for me.  Again, I still can taste, but I am noticing a difference already.  Added more pepper to the soup to help with the flavor, and of course I get a pepper flake or two get stuck to my tonsils or something, making me cough.  Wouldn’t be lunch without a coughing fit!

Hubby got ready and then we went off to run the errands and take that walk at the beach.  It wasn’t very long but it was enough to help me feel a little better.  I felt better being out for a bit.

We stopped at the grocery store as hubby needed just a few things, fresh fruit, some cookies, pop-tarts, and more lettuce for salads.  I picked up a red onion, couple tomatoes, some lox and I folded, I got a small box of red raspberry pop-tarts….  Maybe I’ll try one of those later.

When we got home I started to scrambled some eggs, and plopped in a few chunks of cream cheese, some bits of locks and added dill to the mix.  Topped my scramble with some chopped red onion and tomato.  It tasted good, but not what I was expecting.  Still tasting, but I can tell it’s slightly off.  Now I just feel like I shouldn’t have eaten.  But I know I need the protein.

I’m tired, still feeling a little shaky, even after the outing and food.  But I can’t complain too much if this is the worse it gets.  Chilling on the sofa is not so bad.  I’ll sure get a lot of knitting done!

Life is curious…

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