Small update – Baby Girl

My daughter surprised me last night with an action in support of my coming months of baldness.  Despite me assuring everyone I am perfectly fine with being bald, including my eyebrows, this has become a theme among those who love me that I am going to suffer from this loss.  (I’m still ticked I will lose my eyelashes!)

She FaceTimed me last night to show me her newly shaved head.  It’s beautiful.  I’ve never seen her head with that little hair. She was born with a wonderful head of soft curls, and cowlicks galore!

When she sent me a picture of her nearly bald head last night outlining her cowlicks, that I apologized to her for, as she was being born, as that was the first thing I saw, I realized my love for her has been written in her hair.  (The white hair patch we figure came from the fetal monitor that had been placed on her scalp prior to being born as I couldn’t take the fetal monitoring around my belly.)

My love written in her hair

All I ask is if you decide to shave your heads in support of my battle, please make it worth something.

My darling baby girl is donating her locks to Pantene Beautiful Lengths campaign.  They take mail in donations. You can find information about their program here.

Beautiful Baby Girl

There are so many options out there to make your sacrifice in my honor worth something.  Do a St. Baldrick’s Head Shave or set up your own fundraiser through their program to raise monies for Children’s Cancers Charities – find out about it here.

There is Cuts Against Cancer here

Wigs for Kids here

Or Angel Hair for Kids (a division of A Child’s Voice Foundation) here

I have not researched any of these organizations except St. Baldricks, as that was always my go to choice.

If you want to show support in other ways, make a donation to any of the charities I have listed links on the side of this website.  These are all charities I support, and you can do this in my honor.

I am not asking ANYONE to do this, just saying if you feel the need, please put your hair or your monies to good use.  Make it count.  Make it mean something.

Life is about helping each other.

4 thoughts on “Small update – Baby Girl”

  1. Heather looks gorgeous without hair! Still thinking about but worry what it will be like for Noah and Amy’s wedding. I need to visit the wig store first. I have an appointment with the Pulmonologist on Dec. 21. Can you believe that was the first available? Bet I could see one in San Jose faster than that. Hard to get new-patient appointments here. Sheesh! Love your new cap. You could start a business. Really like the lace one Best. Love you sweetheart.

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