Friday/Saturday, November 3/4 – Feeling better all the time

Oy, now it’s the Beatles…  Could be worse, I guess, could be something annoying like 99 Bottles of Beer on the wall or The Song that Never ends…

Friday even though I was feeling better, I was still very much taken out by the infection trying to take root in my body.   I couldn’t knit, I couldn’t play any of my mind building games, I was even having a hard time concentrating on TV.   So glad I finally decided we should actually take my temperature.  The Baby Girl came over on Friday to borrow a bodice for a newcomer to fair, and brought me my first Egg Nog Latte of the season.  I could taste it somewhat and that was good enough for me!  It was so nice to spend a few hours with her before she had to go pick up the kids from school (The Grandson and his cousin M.)

I was well enough to put together the Leek and Potato Soup I had planned from earlier this week.  I planned to make it in the Crock Pot so basically all I had to do was prep everything and saute the leeks, onions, garlic, and thyme before throwing everything into the Crock Pot to simmer for several hours.  Wiped me out way more than I thought it would.  Hubby decided he wanted BCG (Burger City Grill) for an early dinner, I wasn’t really hungry, but by the time he left felt I could probably eat the Chili Cheese Fries with Grilled Onions.  I almost tasted those too.

I ate all my Chewy SweetTart candies, I could taste those very well, just like the Gummy Bears.  Tried the Sour Patch kids, only could taste the sour…  finicky chemo mouth.

This morning while feeding the Toothless Wonder Cat, watched a skunk come through the cat hole in the fence, walked right up to the watering can we keep filled with fresh water by the spigot, jumped up on the brick ledge; flashing me his junk; and proceeded to drink for about a minute before ambling away.

On his way out…

Skunks are are notoriously near sighted, and generally will not spray unless cornered or startled.  Ask the Baby Girl, she knows. (There was much laughter at her expense in my office that morning!)

The Toothless Wonder Cat, was lazy in his eating this morning.  To live in this type of luxury for a stray cat.  He has the good life, I swear!

Laying down to eat

And the sun came out this morning.  The light hitting the Donkey Tail in my hanging succulent basket was glorious.







I took a shower today and that felt good too.  Not having hair or needing to shave really makes showering quick.  Now I really understand the 5 minutes shit, shave, shower in Boot Camps.  I feel mostly human again.  The Chemo Pattern Baldness continues…  I wish it would all just finally fall out already.  At the end of every day I feel like I’ve been to a barber and have my neckline full of shavings.  On a good note I still have eyelashes!!!

Tomorrow is our wedding anniversary.  Thankfully I have cards stockpiled.


Life is remembering to celebrate every little thing. (Like Eyelashes!)

2 thoughts on “Friday/Saturday, November 3/4 – Feeling better all the time”

  1. Especially the eyelashes. Cousin Julie Wisnia has just completed chemo for her colon (I think) cancer. She has no hair on her head but still has eyebrows and eyelashes. There is hope!

    Happy Anniversary tomorrow. Don’t forget to check your email.

    Love ‘n’ kisses,

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