Sunday/Monday, November 5 and 6 – Anniversary

Sunday isn’t all that much to talk about, despite it being our Wedding Anniversary.  Woke up before dawn, as is my new normal, it had rained during the night just as the weather man predicted.  Even though Hubby and I had agreed weeks ago I would take the night feeding shift with the cat, because I have been up so early every day, I have been taking the morning shift, except on my bad days, that is when Hubby takes both shifts.

I used to look forward to the time change weekend, an extra hour to sleep in for this night owl…  Yeah, not so much anymore.  I was awake slightly before 4 AM, and went through the house to see if all the “clocks” that should have updated automatically, updated.  Yup, they did.  I, of course took the morning feeding of the Toothless Wonder Cat.  The tall grasses in the yard looked beautiful in the sun filled with rain from the night before.

Once TWC (Toothless Wonder Cat) was done eating I did my gardening – weeding, cutting back, adding water to plants that didn’t get enough.  Once I was done with all that, headed inside to get myself ready for the day.  Got my clothes in the laundry and made the momentous decision to go buy myself some Uggs.  I have noticed over the past few days my feet are cold, even in my slippers (which have an open heel), and my head, despite being for all intents and purposes, bald, has been warm to hot.  I’ve never had Uggs before, mostly because I find them to be too hot on me feet.  And confining.  I like shoes and all, but when I am home, I prefer no shoes.

I took myself off to San Pedro to a store I know carries Uggs and should have a decent selection of various models.  I fell for the lace up with bows.

The Favorite Middle Child (there is only one – The Boy), came over after work and picked up a commercial sewing machine I was able to pick up for a great price.  I am planning…  the next fair season is going to be GRAND!  The Pirate Jo Malloy has stolen a trunk of clothing that once belonged to the Lady Frances Newton, Baroness Cobhem, of Her Majesty’s Court.  This is going to be FUN!  Especially since Lady Cobham never got to see or wear the new gown planned by her seamstress.  I really missed going to Ren Faire for our Guilds Fall fair schedule.  The Guild was great in sending me pictures and keeping me updated on the goings on.  I still missed it dearly.

I am almost done with a Mermaid Tail Blanket I am making for Deda (Cousin).  She had asked for one a while back,

So close….

and I’ve been working on it for a bit.  I need to pick up another couple skeins of yarn to finish the tail.  I calculated that part incorrectly….  oops.

Monday is when we planned to go to Disneyland to celebrate our wedding anniversary (to not be confused with our meeting/dating anniversary which is the one we celebrate with much more intensity than the wedding.)  We met on the Tuesday after his birthday almost 23 years ago.  We met at “work”.  I was temping at the time and had never met him as they only called me in when he was out.  That first morning he flirted with all the girls, and I flirted with him.  By the 10 AM break, I was thinking “Damn, he’s married!”  Then he sang Tom Jones, and I was hooked…  by lunch I was thinking “Crap, he’s got a girlfriend!”.  By the end of the day I new I was screwed…  I thought he was gay.  He asked me out that Friday, we went out the following Wednesday and again the next Friday.  I spent the night Saturday, and again on Monday night, and never left…  We knew a good thing when we found it.  Once we stopped “living in sin ” and made it legal 14 years ago, we woke up the next morning with the sinking feeling we had ruined it.  But we took turns calling our parents anyway, letting them know we had married the day before with the kids as our witnesses.

We planned to leave for Disneyland about 10 AM, get some lunch, walk, people watch and purchase a piece we knew we wanted for our Disneyana Collection.  I decided I wanted to eat at Cafe Orleans since we hadn’t been there in forever.  Didn’t have a reservation, but this was a Monday between big holiday celebrations in the park, how bad could it be?  I was thinking they have a great Gumbo and my tastebuds would probably really pick up those flavors.

We headed there first and put in our names as standby.  Yes, they were accepting walk-ins today.  It’s to the point where you really need a reservation made weeks prior to get into any of the “seated” dining establishments in the parks.   The Gumbo was no longer offered as a main dish on the menu, but it was an appetizer.  I really like the Pomme Frites as well though… new menu offered Shrimp and Grits, which I LOVE and always have to get a bowl of when in Savannah.

I was STUFFED by the time we were done there.  I told Hubby we needed to walk, a lot.  We decided to walk back through Frontierland to Fantasyland, through Sleeping Beauty’s Castle and back down Main St. and head over to Cal Adventure.  And we walked that park.  I finally told Hubby I was starting to wear out so we needed to head back to Disneyland to pick up our planned purchase.  It was already 2:30 PM.  It was a great day and I think I was asleep within seconds of hitting the freeway heading home.

Life is facing it together.


One thought on “Sunday/Monday, November 5 and 6 – Anniversary”

  1. Another tear jerker! The two of you seem so happy. I am happy for you Kim. Wishing you many more years together.

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