Friday/Saturday, November 18 & 19 – Livin’ the normal life

Friday found me still dealing with a gut that hates me.  It doesn’t know if it wants to hold on to stuff or purge it.  Friday was gas.  It would not pass, just stayed in gurgly little pockets that would send shooting pains through my  bowels all day long.

When I first woke up, as many mornings, I look in the mirror and am startled by what I see.  My first reaction is who is that, then in that micro-second, I remember oh yeah, Chemo Girl, and she looks pretty damn good without hair.  The Darling Daughter forgot to take her bag of food home Thursday night, so she stopped by after dropping the kids off at school to pick up everything she forgot the previous night.  She said she noted the same thing, she looks in the mirror and for that split second she doesn’t recognize herself.

The neighbors across the street, who we love, have been actively following my progress and offering much encouragement.  Today Moses brought me flowers just because.  They are so sweet.  I love having them as neighbors. We could not ask for any better guys to be our neighbors, or our friends.

Friday was also the day for Amazon deliveries.  Three separate deliveries made for items ordered recently.  I have two more items pending…  Maybe Saturday.  One of the items still pending is my Hot Water Pot.  Years ago, when we first visited with our friends in Canada, they had this great hot water pot that sat on their counter, held about 4 liters of water at a time and kept it at a set temperature.  You pushed a button and it would dispense hot water.  Perfect for making tea all day long!   I wanted one.  I scoured the internet and could not find one.  On a subsequent visit we found one at Canadian Tire, and I made Hubby carry it on the airplane when we left to come home.  Since then I have been finding them no problem on Amazon.  As one dies I head to Amazon to order it’s replacement.  The latest one is starting to constantly cycle noisily and has a small air leak.  All the signs the last one exhibited before it started leaking water all over the counter.  Rather than wait for that, I ordered a new one to replace the dying one before it actually breaks.  Love having hot water at a press of a button.  Great for tea, coffee brewed in my french press, and anything else that needs hot water.

Saturday found me awake before dawn, as now seems to be my normal habit.  Knowing the Leonid Meteor shower should be visible I headed to the back yard for some viewing.  By that time of the morning the best viewing would be to the southeast, which is where we have a lot of light pollution from a refinery and a community college.  But I was game, set myself up on a lounge in the back and watched the sky.  Was able to see 5 meteors before the pending dawn light grew too bright to really see anymore unless they flamed super brightly.

As I lay there on the lounge in the backyard, it brought back memories of camping as a child.  My parents had separated when I was about 8, and my mother joined an organization called Parents Without Partners.  It provided group opportunities for families to do fun things at a discount, like camping, as well as social activities for the singles, like dances.  I was about 9 or 10 and had a
“boyfriend”, Bobby Joe.  He was more my friend than a romantic interest at that age, but I loved him dearly.  When we were at the same functions we were inseparable.  When we went camping, we always took our sleeping bags off to some remote spot so we could fall asleep watching the stars, more to spot shooting stars.  We would talk about all sorts of things.  Why our parents separated, our siblings, our hopes and dreams, world issues as we perceived them.  Everything and anything was fair game.  Bobby Joe spent one year working any odd job he could find to buy me a Holly Hobby doll and a jewelry box for my birthday.  I was so sad when the jewelry box was broken, and I don’t remember what happened to the Holly Hobby doll.  I loved Bobby Joe and I hope wherever he is in this world, life has been good to him.  It was nice to have those memories to reflect on while I was watching for the meteors.  Everyone should have a first love like Bobby Joe, all innocence and perfect friendship, holding hands and laughing in the sun, caring about each other and really listening.

After I finished watching the meteor shower I headed back inside and the Toothless Wonder Cat followed right at my heels.  Fed him a piece of Roast Beast (Kitty Crack), and he was good and wanted back out.  From there I changed into my yoga clothes and used my yoga app to do a yoga workout.

I finished the Mermaid Tail Snuggly Sack my cousin had asked for ages ago.  I ran out of yarn with just a row and a half to go on the tailfin.   It was OK though, I knew I needed to get to the store to pick up veggies for dinner.  This was the perfect excuse to finally get myself really dressed and head out for a bit.  Of course I had to stop for coffee, and I am glad I did as I ran into one of my favorite baristas who had left the coffee business to teach full time.  She did tell me she is going to work part-time during the holidays.  It was so good to see her and grab a quick hug.

By the time I arrived home, the giant Amazon box was on the front porch, signaling my new hot water pot had arrived.

Dinner Saturday was sauted carrots, pasta and the beer braised beef that I cooked up his past week since I was not able to make it this past Sunday.  Dinner was pretty good, and I was able to taste most of it.  My taste buds are hit and miss right now.  It’s not in sections of my tongue that they are not working, like the sides, or the center, but in random patches over the whole tongue.  No sores in the mouth as of yet, so I am taking that as a good sign.

We watched R.I.P.D. with Ryan Reynolds and Jeff Bridges as we ate.  It was a very funny movie!  Can’t believe we took this long to actually see this movie.  One down in our queue, only 195+ to go.

Sunday the plan is cleaning and yard work for both of us, then watch the American Music Awards.

Life is good memories




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