Monday, November 20 – A visitor

I did finish vacuuming this morning while hubby did laundry, took out trash and other misc chores that needed to be finished.  I also started a lace cowl to add to the two chemo hats I’ve made so far with the first skein of hand spun yarn from the talented textile maker cousin.

We ran out in the morning after we finished up the few little chores that needed to be completed, to complete some banking, mail drops and grab a bite to eat from Del Taco since there will be no Mexican Food Wednesday this week.  We completed those stops in record time.

I did take today a bit easier, I want to be sure I am ready to take the MELT class at the Cancer Support Community tomorrow.  I’ve been warned the peripheral neuropathy will get worse in phase 2, and this class will provide me with exercises to help control the neuropathy.  I only have a few incidents of it now in this cycle, the mouth neuropathy is all gone, with occasional feelings of it mostly in my feet, and that is only when I am sitting.

The sore in my throat is doing much better, but I am now developing one on the side of my tongue.  Honey/Lemon tea, which consists of honey, hot water and a slice of lemon, and swishing with coconut oil will continue.  When we go to chemo school I want to ask the Nurse Practitioner if the white coating all over my tongue is normal though.  There has to be something that can be done about that.  I feel like if I could get rid of that my taste issues would get better.  Not necessarily normal, but better.

I don’t know why I didn’t think to get a picture yesterday since I seem to be on a picture taking kick lately, but my Auntie and her Significant Other (SO for short) stopped by yesterday on their way out to Arizona for Thanksgiving with his family.  It was so nice to get and give hugs, and visit with them for a few hours before they hit the road to complete their drive.  They did ask if we were interested in going out for a bite to eat, but I was still feeling the effects of too many chores on Sunday.  My stamina just is not what it used to be, and the aftereffect takes longer for me to recover.

After the Auntie and SO left, we sat and watched a bit of TV.  It was almost 8:30 PM before I realized we never took out the trash cans for trash day in the morning.  Oops!  Easily remedied, but so glad I remembered.  Not like I am still sleeping when the trash trucks start coming through in the morning, I could have easily ran out there in the morning if that had happened.

All in all, Monday was a good day.

Life is family

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