Tuesday, November 21 – Productive

Tuesday must have been my most productive day yet, since starting this new journey.  I knew I wanted to attend the MELT Method class at the Cancer Support Community to learn how to deal with the neuropathy.  As I was getting ready I noticed my toes really needed an updated pedicure.  I had time to stop and get a pedicure before the class if I left early enough.

After feeding the Toothless Wonder Cat, I got dressed to head out for the pedicure before I went to the class.  While I was getting my pedicure, they talked me into a new manicure as well.  This was all perfectly timed and I arrived at the Cancer Support Community in plenty of time to get set up for the class.

Cecelia from my Support Group was already there, and she introduced me to some others who are regulars in the class.  The teacher was nice and kept us all on track even when others started to deviate.  MELT is a physical therapy method you can do yourself using balls to help activate trigger points and connective tissues.  This helps counteract the effects of neuropathy.  I sure hope so!  After the basic class the instructor was willing to step into an unused room to give me a separate lesson on some techniques to use on the head.  She’s not heard of anyone exhibiting signs of neuropathy in the lips and gums, and she wasn’t sure if the techniques she was providing for the head would help, but they sure couldn’t hurt.

After I was done with the class I stopped to fill the tank on my car and run the car though the drive through car wash to get the dirt off.

After I was done with that I stopped at the house so Hubby and I could finish of the Thanksgiving shopping.  It was decided we needed a new rug/mat in the bathroom, so a stop at Bed Bath and Beyond was in order.  From there we needed to stop at Home Depot to exchange the wrong size toilet seat that had been purchased and some weed killer for the front lawn.

Trader Joe’s was the next stop, majority of what was needed to finish off Thanksgiving fixings I was able to pick up from TJ’s; and from there we stopped at Albertson’s to complete the shopping.  Back home to put it all away and Hubby says he’s not going to Support Group tonight, he’s just too tired and has a headache.  Wow, am I rubbing off on him?  I got myself a bite to eat and then it was time to head to Support Group back at the Cancer Support Community.

It was a good group night.  Heidi was back and I was very glad to see her.  I know childcare can be difficult for them at times.  Joanne was there as well, and her dilemma was she has a Black Tie event to attend on December 5 and she just doesn’t know what to do with her head.  She has a wig, but just doesn’t feel the vibe to wear the wig to her formal event.  She has received so much support over her chemo pattern baldness, as much as she hated the fact she would be losing her hair (right up there with my pain over the possibility of losing my eyelashes), she has started to embrace the hair loss.  She, like me has little hairs here and there that have not fallen out.  Close up, it’s kind of a patchy mess.  She doesn’t feel right going without a head covering, but doesn’t know how to tie scarves.

I told her once she knows what dress she is going to wear to her event, let me know and I’ll grab some of my scarves that match the color and we’ll figure something out.  She is very happy with this solution.

I told them about my mouth sores and Sandy told me she had done teas too, like I was doing, but she reminded me of warm salt water and baking soda rinse as well.  She also said she used Biotene to help with the mouth sores.  I have plenty of that, mouth rinse and spray.

M is still dealing with homelessness.  She has a contact I was able to get for her through my work connections.  She had a very bad week last week and still needs to follow up and that was the first thing she told me when she saw me.  She apologized for not calling the contact yet and I told her it’s completely understandable.  Her recent treatment just wiped her out.  I hugged her and told her I really hope this contact is the missing piece she has been looking for.

All in all, it was a good day and by the time I got home I was pretty tired.  The Toothless Wonder Cat was waiting for me in the driveway and followed me into the house.  This is not usual behavior,  but he is always welcome to come inside.

He ate two more pieces of roast beast before he made himself at home on the bed.  He stayed in until 11 PMish, right when Hubby decided we needed to bring in the litterbox for him, he went out the back door.

Wednesday my family arrives for Thanksgiving!  I can hardly wait to hug them all.

Life is being productive

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