Wednesday, November 22 – new infection

Woke up Wednesday morning with my port site feeling tender.  When I looked at it in the mirror it was red, more red than it has been in a while.  After I got dressed I called Cancer Care associates to check in with a nurse.  Beth scheduled me to see a Nurse Practitioner.  This wasn’t on my agenda for today.  I was supposed to take it easy today since I was sooooo busy yesterday.  Hubby was worried he needed to go with me, as he had a full day already planned, getting the spare room ready for the big meal tomorrow.  I was good with taking myself.

Kristen, the nurse practitioner, agreed my port is sporting an infection.  Great….  She was going to send in a request to the Costco Pharmacy for two different antibiotics to hopefully knock this out quickly.  If I still show visible signs of infection on Friday I cannot get my infusions through the port.  She asked me how my veins are, and I had to tell her horrible, and I have tons of valves in my veins making it nearly impossible to start an IV.  Worst case scenario we will have to reschedule my infusion on Friday to Monday.

Just what I don’t want to do, postpone this any longer.  We talked about phase 2 a little bit.  She said most people have less nausea on the Taxol/Carboplatin, and because this is done weekly, the dosing is smaller.  She said people generally feel more tired on this phase, but it doesn’t really kick in until week 4 or 5.  Neuropathy is the big thing they worry about with “TC”.  Another greeeaaaat….

Once I was done at Cancer Care Associates, I headed to Costco to pick up the antibiotics and of course had to wait, and wait, and wait a little bit more.  Finally the Rx’s were ready and I was good to go.  I still needed to get my blood draw at LabCorp, on the other side of town, in prep for Friday’s infusions.  And of course the antibiotics need to be taken with food.  Stopped at Jack in the Box for a breakfast sandwich, which had NO taste, but I got the first two pills in me and headed to the lab for my blood draw.

Thankfully I was in and out of the lab very quickly as I was starting to wind down.  Stopped at TJ’s to pick up the three things forgotten yesterday and finally home, almost 5 hours later.  I was almost ready to fall asleep on the sofa when the family arrived.  I finally had to tell them I needed to take a nap and headed off to bed.

I got a nice nap in, and then it was time for us to head off to dinner at the Italian Restaurant I made reservations for us.  We had a lovely dinner, with much laughter.  I can hardly wait for tomorrow when everyone is here!

I have decided to commandeer the chaise lounge as my spot for tomorrow.  I have moved all my stuff from my spot in the corner of our main sofa, and set myself up on the chaise.  Now if I feel the need to nap, it’s a quick slide down and off to zzzz land I go.

And for the first time in years watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is an absolute MUST.  One of my nephews from South Carolina is marching with his High School band in the parade!  I can hardly wait for tomorrow!!!

Stepmom brought a Thankful Turkey.  The Turkey is adorable and there are paper feathers you write what you are thankful for and place in his “butt”.






Life is all about being with family

One thought on “Wednesday, November 22 – new infection”

  1. Okay- so I’m a little behind in reading the blog… but had to comment. Alex has the SAME Thankful Turkey. Wouldn’t let me leave the store without buying it for him. He named his: Gobble Gobble. We took Gobble Gobble with us up to Oregon for Thanksgiving, but forgot to bring him with us to dinner. Alex was crushed.

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