Friday, November 24 – No infusion today…

First let me start off with how thankful I am for my family.  It was so nice to have them here taking over my kitchen, cooking up our Thanksgiving feast, and then all sitting around the table eating and talking after a day of bonding over the cooking of the food, watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and football.

My little brother in South Carolina was texting us early in the morning as his youngest son was in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Parade.  His High School was picked two years ago to be in this years parade.  Their middle son graduated last year and had the invitation to come back and participate in the parade, but opted to stay home.  So our mom, my sister-in-law and the nephew went up to New York for this great event.  My brother was giving us the live action blow by blow.  We had to wait three more hours for the parade to be broadcast here, so we knew what to watch for when the parade finally aired.  First time in years we have actually watched the parade.

They managed to keep the chaos in the kitchen to a minimum, and turned out a fantastic meal.  Dinner was wonderful and having all the family here was beyond happy.












I was kind of sad to say goodbye, as we would not have our normal day at Disneyland this year with them.  Instead I would be off to Cancer Care to hopefully receive my last infusions of phase 1 of chemo.

Friday morning dawned bright with no clouds in the sky.  It would not be as warm today as it was yesterday.  I set myself up for infusions today.  Took my pills, including the two antibiotics, fed the cat early, put on my temporary tattoo and made sure my chemo bag was ready to go when we had to leave.

We arrived a little early due to no traffic, and Kristen the Nurse Practitioner was ready to re-evaluate my port before we would start treatment.  She agreed it looks better today, but still not good enough to use.  We could try finding a good vein in my arm, but she was worried if we added chemo to the mix it might slow down or even stop the antibiotics getting rid of the infection.  It was decided I needed to be rescheduled for Monday.   I took a deep breath and tried very hard to not be disappointed.  When we meet with the Nurse Practitioner next Tuesday for Chemo School we will have to ask if this delay will effect the timing of phase 2 start on December 7th.

Because I wasn’t able to watch my two episodes of Outlander during treatment today, I decided to watch them at home, with a nice nap in between.







Life is taking it one day at a time

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