Wednesday, December 6 – Birthday

Yesterday I forgot to get my blood draw done.  It’s ok, I have some leeway, but I had to be there first thing this morning.  Happy Birthday to me!  But since I am a morning person now, no big deal.  I was ready to go to the lab before 7 AM which is the time the lab opens.  I had to wait a while as there were a ton a people that had already scheduled appointments for 7 to 7:30 AM.  I get the same phlebotomist every time.  I think she makes sure she does my blood draw.  This morning she was getting the paperwork set up and as she was asking me to confirm my birthday, she turned and gave me a big hug, wishing me a wonderful day.  How do you beat that?

I did tell her I would be coming in weekly now for 12 weeks.  She is such a wonderful person and I don’t even know her name.  She remembers where the blood comes out, and makes sure she takes care she doesn’t bruise me.  And she knows band-aids make me itch, so she always uses the stretch tape to hold pressure on the cotton once she is done.   She always has a smile for me and asks me how I am feeling.  One of the many angels in my life.

Once I was done, and back home, we got ready for my real birthday celebration – going to Disneyland.  We had reservations at Carthay Circle in Cal Adventure for lunch, and that would leave us enough time to head over to Disneyland Park so I can watch the Christmas Parade.  It’s an annual tradition, one that Hubby indulges me every year.  It’s the same parade, many of the same people in the parade, every year.  And I LOVE it!  I love the “Tin Soldiers, the floats, the dancers, the “ice skaters”, the gingerbread men and the reindeer.  I love it all!

We arrived a bit early so had time to walk a bit in Cal Adventure before our lunch reservation.  Hubby had a friend from his Support Group who was also celebrating her birthday today.  She and her husband booked two nights at the Grand Californian and we had made arrangements to save them spots for the parade.  We had a wonderful lunch at Carthay Circle, I just wish my tastebuds would have cooperated just a little bit and let me taste what I am sure was a wonderful Tri-Tip Steak with potatoes Concannon and blue cheese.  I could taste the blue cheese.

After we finished our lunch we headed over to Disneyland and staked out spots on Main Street and texted hubby’s friend to let them know where we were so they could find us after they finished their lunch.  I loved every minute of the parade, and enjoyed meeting my co-birthday celebrant and her husband.  We walked for just a bit after the parade, threw coins in the wishing well, took a picture in front of Sleeping Beauty’s Castle, and then Hubby bought me a new Pandora charm – Cinderella’s Coach.  Love that man!

We headed home after that.

Another surprise happened this morning, The Oldest child called me to wish me happy birthday.  We talked for maybe 10 to 15 minutes.  He wants to try and get together for dinner one night, the two of us.  I told him I need to figure out how I will react to these new chemo drugs I start tomorrow and will get back to him.

When we arrived home I found flowers from Deda and her family waiting for me, and a gift from the Darling Daughter sitting on the kitchen table.  I have not opened her gift yet, I want to wait until we can be together to do this.  Her birthday is coming up, maybe we can do this on Sunday for family dinner.







Tomorrow is the first cycle of phase 2.  The unknown…  I don’t know why this phase is giving me more anxiety than phase 1 did, but there it is.  I am a little scared about how these drugs will effect me.   One day at a time, TCST.

Life is celebrating all the milestones and traditions

One thought on “Wednesday, December 6 – Birthday”

  1. So happy you got to enjoy your birthday tradition. I love parades, any parades! Must be in the genes. I’m thrilled that B reached out to you and wants to get together. I pray it is a beginning to a healing. LYTTMAB!

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