Thursday, December 14 – Day 2 and Acupuncture

Took a sleeping pill the previous night so I did get more sleep this time than I did in the first cycle.  When I was still awake at 1 AM, decided I needed to try and nip this in the bud.  I slept until about 7:30 AM.  This was a good thing.  Based on having the same issue of not being able to fall asleep first night of cycle, this would mean by Friday afternoon to Saturday I will basically be unconscious due to spontaneous nap attacks, and Sunday, well that will be the get sick day.

Forewarned is forearmed.

I took my time getting ready for the day, didn’t rush anything, fed the Toothless Wonder Cat, and ate some breakfast myself.  Decided to take my own manicure tools to the nail salon and get my nails done before I had to go to the Acupuncturist.  I finished there and had time to stop at Michael’s Craft Store to find a few items I needed to finish up some gifts.  I also found some yarn….  I have yarn coming out of my ears, but there is NEVER enough yarn.  I also found a frame for The Grandson’s School Picture.  He is now proudly displayed on my desk.

Arrived in plenty of time at my acupuncturists office and started preparing for my treatment today.  Homa is a wonderful woman, and asked me how I was doing.  We reviewed everything that had happened since our last visit and what symptoms I experienced during the first cycle so she could try and help deal with some of those.  She did remind me that this is an uphill battle, and I should not expect complete relief, totally get that!  I understand we’re dealing with some pretty rough chemicals here meant to kill me slowly.  We can only do so much to help alleviate the symptoms as they arise.  After that she started setting the needles and left me to my meditations.

I start with gratitude for all I have been blessed with, and move to wishes for health and happiness for loved ones and those I know who are struggling with some specific issue.  After I have done that, I set my energy to envelope my body to keep is safe and warm while I delve deep and concentrate on my own cancer.  I envision two armies, one with all my heroines and heroes, favorite warriors, and characters I have loved over the years, all clothed in an opalescent white, riding steads, dragons, wolves, you name it, into battle.  I have Green Men to help heal the “land” that follow the army.  They face Ork like dark gray beings, and I imagine sections of “Orks dying and dissipating in puffs of smoke that fade away.

My hour ended quickly and I had to break off from an intense battle I was envisioning.  My friend from Support Group, Joanne was up next.  We had the opportunity to chat for a few minutes while she got ready and I finishing putting myself back together.

My next appointment is on Monday.

From there I headed to Costco to pick up a few items.  I happened to stop in the clothing section as I did see some pants I thought I might like.  Somewhere between the table with the pants and two tables down with blouses I lost my shopping list.   I retraced my steps twice, it was not to be found.  I texted Hubby and he said since it’s so late, just get what you need from Costco, and then come home.  I thought I needed Olanzapine and had called Dr. Sikaria’s office and asked them to call in a new Rx for me.  When I got to the pharmacy at Costco, they told me I had already picked up Olanzapine two weeks ago.  I could have sworn I picked up Compazine.  Hmmmmm.

Once I was done at Costco, I headed home as The Darling Daughter and her family were coming over so we could celebrate one night of Hanukkah together and watch The Grandson open his gift from us.

I was home just long enough to get things put away when they arrived.

The Grandson LOVED his Nerf Sharp Shooter Rifle and accessory hand gun.  I think his jaw dropped to the floor as he realized what he was opening.  From Mommy and Daddy he received two small Monster Trucks, which also had to be played with before they all left and we went to relax on the sofa before heading to bed.  I was still  having an issue with falling asleep, so night two with taking a sleeping pill.

Life is being forewarned

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