Tuesday, December 19 – Back to new normal

Tuesday was a fairly decent day, but I did wake up with chemo gut, but that was it’s only showing.  I did have Hubby drive me to get my blood work done, as I was not sure how well I would do driving yet after the bad day Monday.  Lab was practically empty, so I was in and out really quickly.  I did have my normal phlebotomist, and as we exchanged well wishes for a very Merry Christmas, we hugged.  I love my normal phlebotomist, she always sends me off with so much positive energy.

I did have a check up with Dr. Sikaria.  We did tell her about my nausea/vomiting issues.  She changed up my on-demand nausea drug.  I asked her how soon should I take it when I know we’re going to be in a car; about 30 minutes prior to any prolonged car trips.  OK, we will try again.  She also said if that doesn’t work, CALL!  There are more drugs in the arsenal we can try.

She palpated Blink, and we both agreed the texture of Blink has changed again, but the edges are still so soft you can’t measure Blink.  It’s more of a different feel in texture from the rest of my breast tissue.  Not sure if this is good or bad.  I’ll keep up my meditation and visualization daily of the battle between good and evil going on in there, with the green men following behind to heal.

We did bring up diet, and the foods I have been eating, and how Hubby wants to know if I should change what I am eating.  Dr. Sikaria said it’s more likely the chemo causing this, not the food.  Stay away from extra greasy foods – OK, I’m not too big on them right now anyway.  Another thing that came up was Hubby thought I had drowned my Sheppard’s Pie in Tapatio Sauce.  Who does that to Sheppard’s Pie?  No, I put a little A1 Steak Sauce on it to bump up the flavor so I could taste it, but no Tapatio….  He apologized to me as he thought it was the Tapatio that caused Mondays BAD DAY.

I walked out feeling somewhat vindicated, I am eating, that is the good thing.  Now we just have to figure out how to try and keep my gut and stomach happy.

I felt well enough to drive myself to my Acupuncture appointment, but because I had to stop at Costco after, Hubby felt better about driving me, so we headed out to my appointment and he sat in the car napping and playing games on his phone while I went into see Homa,

Homa and I talked about my appointment with Sikaria and she asked if I can take probiotics.  Since I have an infusion appointment on Wednesday, I will definitely be asking Deborah the NP.

Homa said a probiotic will still be an uphill battle since the good bacteria being introduced back into my gut will still be killed off rather quickly by the chemo, but it’s worth a shot if I can take it daily.

Once I was finished with my acupuncture appointment I headed down to the car, I opened the passenger door to have a blast of arctic air reach out and nearly knock me over it was such a powerful, physical presence.  Evidently Hubby got hot and was trying to cool the car down.  I think he succeeded.

We headed to Costco to pick up the new anti-nausea drug to try, Reglan.  Of course it wasn’t ready, and they sincerely apologized.  I didn’t have to wait too long, only about 10 minutes.  Hubby in the mean time headed to the food court to treat himself to a soft serve swirl.  Once I was done getting my Rx, I knew where to find him outside, and we headed home.

I felt well enough to put together a batch of cookies, and start the dough that needed to chill overnight for another batch of cookies.  I’ve been wanting to put together holiday cookies for years, now I have the time.  Now let’s hope I continue to feel well enough to keep going on the cookies.

Life is baking!

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