Friday, December 22 – Coming down

As noted on previous post, I did have to take a sleeping pill again last night to get to sleep. Slept until about 7:30 AM this morning. I got up and prepared to go feed the Toothless Wonder Cat. It’s been in the 40’s so I decided to meet Toothless in the front yard where he likes to sun himself.
He came over and took a few licks of baby food and left. I was so disappointed…
The steroids are wearing off, and I am feeling tired, and just slightly off. I have a hard time regulating my body temperature on these days. I’ll be hot, then cold, then hot again. If this goes as the past two cycles, eventually I’ll just be cold.
I went to my appointment with Homa, and fell asleep during my meditation during my acupuncture treatment. And I needed the heater and a blanket during treatment.
Once I was home, I boxed up all the cookies, and decorated with sprigs of pine, rosemary and thyme.
We delivered almost all of them; one neighbor wasn’t home, so we will get them tomorrow.
Now if I could just stay warm.

Life is layering

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