Sunday, December 31 – Good Bye 2017

Sunday started out pretty much the same as Friday and Saturday.  My feet and fingers still feeling slightly numb, slow to wake up, drift off several times before I actually wake up for the day, and thinking today I will be “normal”, only to get 30 or 40 minutes into my day to find I am exhausted and need a nap already.  My brain not able to concentrate longer than a few minutes at a time, and my tastebuds still on strike.

I spent my day lounging on the chaise with occasional forays to my spot on the sofa.  I napped while feeding the Toothless Wonder Cat, woke up and napped again while waiting for him to finish his grooming.  I was awake more than I was on Saturday, but that was frustrating as I still could not distract myself with knitting or reading as my mind would not stay focused.  Nothing worse than being bored and exhausted.  You would think with a mind that will not focus a person would not get bored, but it’s amazing how boring having a brain that flits all over the place actually becomes.  You think of tons of things you would love to be doing, but cannot do one of them effectively.

I still have the sore on my tongue too.  It’s slightly better but still there and irritating.  It hurts when I am at rest and really hurts when I try to eat.  I think of how good something will taste and when I eat, it tastes horrible.  It tastes metallic.  As I was putting together a bite for breakfast, I decided on lox and a bit of cream cheese on an English Muffin.  I wanted to go heavy on the protein.  I had salmon on my fingers and put it in my mouth and it tasted horrible.  Hubby asked me if the salmon had gone bad, nope, just my tongue.  Metal fish is not a fun breakfast.  I ate it anyway as I know I needed the food.

I was exhausted from my day and took myself off to bed by 9:30 PM.

Happy New Year everyone.

Life is exhausting

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