Tuesday, January 23 – The Great News!

I stayed up late again last night, this time I stayed up until after 10 PM! I am impressed with myself. I didn’t wake up until 7 AM this morning. Which on a blood work day, kind of puts me behind schedule since we try to leave by 7:40 to get to the lab before 8 AM.

Today was also the day of the ultrasound on Blink. My appointment was set for 1 PM and of course at 1:30 PM we’re still waiting in the lobby for me to be called back. Other than the long wait to be called back, the ultrasound went well.
The Tech pulled up my last images, and was reviewing them while I stripped from the waist up to get in a gown (opening to the front) only to be told as soon as I had it on to remove my right arm from the gown. Oy. Lay down on the table, here’s a wedge to help prop you up so your right breast is presented at an optimal angle, here’s a towel drape, raise your right arm and warm gel is now applied and go.

The Tech could not find Blink, or anything that resembled Blink. She went over the area slowly, ultrasound tool moving bit by bit over the bottom half of my breast, trying to find the clip that was placed in Blink when they did the biopsy. She could not get a good reading on the clip as it shows up as white along with other healthy breast tissue. She thought she could see it one way, but could not verify with a secondary direction. She kept going back and forth over the area where she thought the biopsy had been taken, and further out from various angles, and then she told me she could not find anything to measure. She was going to get the Radiologist to come take a look since she was not finding anything.

Tech came back a few minutes later, with no doctor in tow, and said the doctor looked at what she had taken images of and agreed with her, there is not enough of Blink left to be able the measure through ultrasound! Chemo has done its work, Blink is nothing. This is such fantastic news!!!

Hubby said he know feels relieved that if chemo is cut short at least we know Blink is nothing. I feel the same way, such a relief, and knowing Blink is nothing I am ready if Dr. Sikaria decides that the risk of permanent neuropathy is not worth the continuation of chemo. I can agree with this decision should it be made next week when I have my follow up with Dr. Sikaria.

If I had the strength I would be doing cartwheels right now. I am so excited by this news. Thought I was going into tonight’s Support Group meeting with anxiety over the possibility of chemo being stopped early, but now I can go in the knowledge that if chemo is cut short, I am in a good place.

Life is moving forward without Blink

2 thoughts on “Tuesday, January 23 – The Great News!”

  1. I guess I did so much talking this morning that you didn’t have a chance to tell me this wonderful news. I am so happy that Blink has shrunken into oblivion! So, if you don’t ever have another chemo treatment, that puts you at surgery the first or second week of March. You would probably be feeling well enough to go to Passover. My friend here had a double mastectomy and was out shopping a week later. I am doing a happy dance right now! Don’t they leave the mediport in permanently? LYTTMAB

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