Wednesday, February 7 – Recap and Infusion

Tuesday we went first thing in the morning to get my blood work done.  I’m still feeling a bit tired, more so than last week.  I called the Toothless Wonder Cat in to eat once we got back.  We fell asleep on the sofa during brushing and petting time.  Hubby captured a picture of us…

The neuropathy has dissipated a little bit, but it has not gone away.  Last week it was almost gone by this point.  Maybe tomorrow will be be better.

My tasting ability is getting worse and I am fighting yet another mouth sore.  It’s not a full on sore, but I can feel it wanting to become one.

We headed out to Support Group, and arrived the same time as “L”.  She is older and suffers from Osteoporosis.  Her Oncologist wants her on Tamoxifen now that her radiation is over.  She is afraid to take it because one of the side effects could be blood clots and she doesn’t want to have a stroke as that is what killed her grandmother.  The doctor told her if she has not already had problems with blood clots, she probably won’t have them with Tamoxifen, but she is not convinced.  No one in our group has had any issues either, so she’s not getting answers she is looking for.  We also had two new women join our group.  One is completely done with all her treatment, but having a difficult time with recovery.  The other is just starting chemo.  We also had a few gals that have already graduated from group come back for the night as a reunion type thing.  We took the time to talk to them about what they went through and recovery.  One of the gals decided she needed to completely change her life, she quit the job she was in and became a stewardess, she changed all her friends, and her lifestyle.  Wow, that is a lot of change!

I was more tired than I thought I would be so was not as engaged.  I tried to be engaged, but being that tired made it difficult to stay that energized.

Today was infusion day.  The neuropathy is still there.  Last week it was gone by Wednesday and didn’t come back until Friday.  It gradually got a little better through the day, but it’s still there.  Not good….

I got ready after the Toothless Wonder Cat left the house after breakfast.  He’s not been eating all that well as his gums are bothering him again.  I took my time as tired is still a part of my vocabulary today.  I did get up about 5:15 AM, but I think that was the steroid more than not being tired.  I reviewed emails and forwarded what needed to be addressed at work since some customers still don’t understand I am not at work right now.  I decided to go with reading again this week, so made sure my Kindle was fully charged.  Once I was washed and dressed I added my temp tattoo.  I blew the first one which was a great one!  A guy walking while holding a canoe over his head.  It was referring to Port-age.  I had to pick a new one at the last second.    I had taken all my pre-meds except the Benadryl, as I have to take that about an hour before my appointment, so I take it right before we leave.
I already know based on last week’s late blood work still not showing any rebound in my ANC that I would have to go through a finger stick today to insure my ANC has recovered enough for infusion. It tripled overnight, as it has the last 8 weeks. I cannot wait to do blood work the day of treatment as the authorized lab cannot turn the results fast enough, so I have to go the day before and when my numbers do not come up good enough, then the in house lab at Cancer Care is authorized to run a mini panel CBC that insurance will cover. I talked to my chemo nurse about the rash on my hands. She called Deborah my nurse practitioner who said yes it’s from the Taxol and since it’s localized to specific spots on my hands and face and does not itch we’re still good to go with today’s infusion. If it starts to itch I should try Benadryl and/or Hydrocortisone cream to help control the itching. If it starts to dry and crack the skin I am to call in right away. I have a follow up with Dr. Sikaria on Monday, so I think we’re good until then.

I am really hoping this is my last infusion. I am ready to be done. Maybe this will be my last time with this view:
or being hooked up like this:







I have not heard from the Surgery Scheduler yet, so called South Bay Surgeons and asked what is going on. Seems Michelle is the one who does the scheduling for dual surgeries and she was not only sick on Monday, but was sick yesterday (Tuesday) as well. So they asked me to give her until mid-day tomorrow to get caught up again before I try calling back.

I did remember to call Dr. Levee’s office (my GP) about renewing my Synthroid Rx. Melissa forgot to call me back and tell me yes, Dr. Levee was authorizing my renewal. She called it in late yesterday. Friday should be grocery shopping day again, so I will have Hubby take me over to Costco to pick up my new Rx for Synthroid. Thank God that one is done.

I made the mistake of asking Hubby to pick me up two fish tacos on his Del Taco run tonight. I knew I shouldn’t eat that late today as chemo really messes with my stomach. Digestion is slower than molasses in January! Now I have food up in my throat and I am ready to head to bed.

Life is waiting for Monday

One thought on “Wednesday, February 7 – Recap and Infusion”

  1. I’m holding the thought that chemo is now history for you. I can tell how “ done” you feel by everything you write. I can only imagine how this part of your ordeal has taken its toll on you. I’ve been with you all the way and am still there. My prayers are constant that when this is all over it will be OVER! I want my funny, carefree, beautiful daughter back. LYTTMAB!

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