Thursday, March 1 – Added a little excitement….

Today started off the same old boring, but by noon it got a little exciting, vomiting was back. Go figure, 3 weeks out from last chemo and I still get to vomit. Oh the joys. While I was praying to the porcelain god, I was thinking about the last time I had vomiting and realized I had eaten the same thing for breakfast: Trader Joe’s Oatmeal with Ancient Grains. This morning I had it with a little bit of Truvia and a dash of 1/2 and 1/2. Almost three weeks ago when I had my “thought I would die on the bathroom floor” episode, I also had the oatmeal for breakfast, only I had put Black Strap Molasses on it. And while I continued to bring up my breakfast, I continued to think on this and the time before that when I threw up, I also had the oatmeal for breakfast, with some honey and freeze dried blueberries. We thought it was the Chinese food from our favorite restaurant, at the least their Hot & Sour soup, but now I’m thinking it’s the TJ’s Ancient Grains oatmeal. Not eating that again for a LONG time.

Tonight a local Hematologist/Oncologist presented some study findings from the Beast Cancer Symposium held annually in San Antonio, TX every December, at the Cancer Support Community. This is not to be confused with the Cancer Symposium held every June. Hubby was nice enough to drive me over so I could attend the presentation.

One of the studies confirmed the current neoadjuvant (pre-surgical) and adjuvant (post-surgical) chemo plan that I was on is the most effective. Good to know that has been proven; four infusions of Adriamycin and Cyclophosphamide every other week, followed by weekly infusions of Taxol for twelve weeks. I only made it to 10 weeks, but I am going to assume that it was good enough.

Another study was to see if those with lower HER2 scores would benefit from Herceptin therapy. I am triple negative, so I am considered HER2 Negative. When they are testing for HER2 cells (cells that multiply faster than others), they grade the findings as HER2 1+; HER2 2+ or HER2 3+. Only those with HER2 3+ are considered HER2 positive. The study confirmed the current process is correct, there were no added benefits by placing those with lower HER2 cell counts on Herceptin.

For those with Estrogen receptive cancers there was a study done on giving an Aromatase Inhibitor (hormone suppressant) prior to surgery then doing a biopsy two weeks later to see if their Ki67 markers came down. This would indicate that the suppression of estrogen prior to surgery and/or chemo could reduce tumor size and slow down the growth of the tumor. More studies need to done.

Another study was on Biophosphanate Therapy and whether this needed to continue for 5 years or not. This is for those with high risk for cancer spread to bone or osteoporosis. Chemo contributes to osteoporosis. They discovered 2 years of biophosphanate therapy was just as good as 5 years of therapy, therefore there was no reason to continue after 2 years. I do not know yet if I will need biophosphanate therapy. That could be years down the road at this point.
Another study found that Axillary Dissection of Lymph nodes is not necessary if 2mm or less of cancer is found in the Sentinel Lymph nodes; there was no change in life expectancy. This is good news as Axillary Dissection of all the lymph nodes can lead to a lifetime of other issues. If it’s not necessary this will save many women from years of unnecessary pain.

Another study found that a 5% or greater decrease in weight decreases your chances of every having breast cancer.

Based on some questions that were asked of the doctor after her presentation I discovered I probably will have to go through whole breast radiation, which is the standard. I was hoping I could be a candidate for partial breast radiation or reduced RADS, but based on the questions asked and the answers given I am not a good candidate for any reduction in the radiation therapy portion of my treatment.

I did meet a woman who is a 4 year survivor who never got her eyebrows or nose hair back. I really didn’t want to hear that at this point where I am really missing both of those items. At least with eyebrows, if they don’t grow back I can have them tattooed back in, not much I can do for nose hair not growing back. I would have to live with a runny nose for the rest of my life.

Life is praying for new nose hair!

One thought on “Thursday, March 1 – Added a little excitement….”

  1. Nose hair? Holy cow! What a thing to be praying for. Who would’ve thunk? Okay, I’ll add that to my prayers. Sorry about the oatmeal problems. Can’t imagine how that is triggering the vomiting but if that is the common denominator, you gotta go with it. Too bad because it is probably delicious.

    If you end up needing to have your eyebrows tattooed, make sure you find someone who specializes in permanent makeup. There is a special touch needed for those tats. I’ve seen some eyebrows that are obviously tattooed but mine look really natural because I found an artist who only does permanent makeup. Unfortunately, she will likely be retiring sometime soon or I’d say it would be worth the trip to San Jose to see her. If you would like me to ask her if she knows someone in SoCal, I can do that for you. LYTTMAB!

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