Sunday, April 22 – Mindfulness

I meditate usually every day, sometimes multiple times a day.  In the mindfulness class one of the things that we were challenged to do was not only the meditation, but also take mindful walks, conversations, eating, and quite time, which is just meditation for the most part.  But I have been working on the mindful eating and conversations.  Today when I walked up to Starbucks, I realized I already do mindful walking.  I pay attention to the sounds, the birds, the squirrels, and the lizards… dogs barking in the neighborhood.  I notice if the trees smell, what different flowers I smell, what is in bloom.  How the sky looks, traffic patterns, how many pine cones have dropped.  Today I just took some pictures along with noticing all these things.

The Path
Morning Glory among the Bougainvillia
Spring growth
Bottlebrush, my brother would not be able to breathe…

The walk was very nice, and my reward for walking a Venti, Quad, Non-fat Latte with one Splenda.  This time I was able to see one of the other baristas I loved talking with the so many months ago.  He comped me my drink and a croissant.  I sat outside to enjoy the delightful weather.  I had numerous dogs come and greet me good morning.  It was so much fun.  I finally had to say goodbye to the last  “puppy” so I could walk home.

I did wash the cat blanket today as it was starting to look orange from all the fur left behind by the Toothless Wonder cat.  Hubby didn’t even notice that I had taken all the lap blankets and the cat blanket out to wash.  He was so tired from his night.  He went out with a friend last night.  They met up at a hotel his friend was staying at and walked over to an Irish pub to get caught up again.  He wasn’t out very late, home by about 10:30 PM, but he didn’t get to bed until about 1 AM as he went into his office to work for about “an hour” when I headed to bed.  He was still up around 7 AM this morning, and told me that the Toothless Wonder cat had a funny burst of energy this morning and was sprinting through the house.  In the back room, his claws dug into the carpet no problem, but when he would hit the hardwood floors, he was sliding every which way trying to gain traction.  He sprinted through the house about three times before he ended up at the back door and wanted out.

Hubby texted the kids to let them know he wanted pizza for dinner.  Only The Middle Son was coming over for family dinner tonight.  Son-in-law was celebrating his birthday with his family tonight.  And I think there was a baby shower for his little sister this weekend too.

The hole in my boob doesn’t seem to be getting any smaller yet…  still draining and still having to change the gauze in it every day.  This is taking soooooo long.

Tomorrow is my meeting with the Radiation Oncologist.  Dr. Endicott.  One of the gals in my Support Group went to her as well.  She said Dr. Endicott is very nice.  There was a message from Friday from her office, reminding me of the appointment and said they emailed me the new patient packet, I needed to fill out the questionnaire and bring it back with me.  Hmmm, never received an email from them.  I will have to call there first thing in the morning to be sure they have my email correct.  They probably spelled my last name incorrectly.  I have a huge note I have left by my spot on the sofa to remind me to call first thing in the morning.

Dinner with The Middle Son was nice.  Just the three of us, and I did agree to hem the Girlfriends pants she picked out for the wedding.  It felt good to be able to hem the pants and do it so quickly.  He did leave a little earlier than normal as the Girlfriends niece was asking when he was coming back to the house where she was being babysat by her auntie and grandparents.   We told him to go, we’d visited, had a nice chat, eaten pizza and I had hemmed the pants.   We will see him next Saturday night at the wedding, where he is co-best man at the best man for his best friend.  I can hardly wait for the wedding.  And my shoes should be here any day!  Black Velvet tennis shoes!

Life is remembering to be Mindful


One thought on “Sunday, April 22 – Mindfulness”

  1. Seems like a really nice day. Love the photos. I wonder if Rob would have an allergy attack just looking at the one of bottle brush! So nice of the Barrista to comp you your coffee and roll.

    I see my Sleep Doctor today. She’s a Pulmonologist who specializes in sleep disorders. I never consulted one in San Jose because I went to the Sleep Clinic at Kaiser when I got my first CPAP. It will be good to have someone following my Apnea because I’m sure it is worse now than 12 years ago when I first began using the CPAP. It will be nice to discuss something other than my breasts for a change.

    Should have the results of the testing for Breast cancer gene mutations pretty soon now. I can’t believe how anxious I am about the results. I know that it will all probably be negative, but until I actually have the results, I’m over-concerned (if that’s possible). I would have loved to have just about anything else in common with you but this.

    So happy you had such a lovely day. It certainly was idyllic. LYTTMAB!

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